Blended Instruction in Symbolic Logic

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Kevin M. Graham
Brian Kokensparger


This study examines through action research whether blended instruction in an upper-level philosophy course in introductory symbolic logic can help undergraduate philosophy students to achieve better learning outcomes than undergraduate philosophy students in a traditional, face-to-face version of the same course. The authors conclude that the change from traditional instruction to blended instruction did have a positive and significant effect on student learning as measured in course grades and student assessment scores for one course learning objective, as well as a positive but non-significant effect on student assessment scores for two additional course learning objectives.


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Graham, K. M., & Kokensparger, B. (2021). Blended Instruction in Symbolic Logic. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 21(2).
Author Biography

Brian Kokensparger, Creighton University

Associate Professor of Journalism, Media, and Computing


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