Active Learning Strategies and Competency-Based Design in Research Education: a Longitudinal Review

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Noela A. Haughton


This paper describes the long-term re-development of an introductory graduate research methods course. The initial design is presented, followed by the two re-design phases. Phase 2 introduced additional inquiry-based strategies such as concept mapping and multiple levels of peer collaboration. Phase 3 incorporated competency-based techniques as well as additional technical, social, and instructional support. Assessment results, student feedback, moderate to strong relationships between scores on key assessments, and design principles support the assertion that the Phase 3 course is an improvement over the Phase 1 version. Limitations and further research are presented.


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Haughton, N. A. (2019). Active Learning Strategies and Competency-Based Design in Research Education: a Longitudinal Review. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 19(4).


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