Thinking as a Student: Stimulating Peer Education in the Humanities with an Undergraduate Teaching Assistant

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Lara Karpenko
Steven Schauz


In this article, I argue that peer educational experiences should be incorporated into the undergraduate humanities classroom by providing a case study of a successful Undergraduate Teaching Assistant (UTA) pilot. In keeping with Topping & Ehly’s (2001) criteria for successful peer education, I assigned the UTA a significant role in direct instruction. Partly owing to the UTA’s active classroom role, the experience enhanced learning for students and helped me create a dynamic, critically-engaged class environment. The experience also provided an opportunity for the UTA to engage in deep learning and develop a professional identity; near the end of this article, the UTA shares his reflection about the experience. 


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How to Cite
Karpenko, L., & Schauz, S. (2017). Thinking as a Student: Stimulating Peer Education in the Humanities with an Undergraduate Teaching Assistant. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 17(3), 124–135.
Case Studies
Author Biographies

Lara Karpenko, Carroll University

Associate Professor of English

Steven Schauz, Western Illinois University

Graduate Student, College Student Personnel


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