Do Students Overestimate Their Contribution to Class? Congruence of Student and Professor Ratings of Class Participation

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Megan L Meyer
Stacy A McDonald
Lynn DellaPietra
Matthew Wiechnik
Kimberly Dasch-Yee


As student participation is an essential component of many classes, this research attempted to foster congruence between student and professor ratings of class participation. Study 1 (N = 196) explored the utility of a detailed grading rubric in assessing class participation. As predicted, providing students and faculty with the same rubric resulted in a moderate correlation between their ratings. Consistent with previous research, results indicated a mean difference between student and professor ratings, particularly for low participators. Utilizing this rubric, Study 2 (N = 87) examined congruency at mid- and end-term. Contrary to what was predicted, feedback provided at mid-term did not increase congruence at end-term. A potential implication of this finding is underdeveloped metacognitive skills in low participators. Perhaps, more frequent and substantive feedback is essential for these students.


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How to Cite
Meyer, M. L., McDonald, S. A., DellaPietra, L., Wiechnik, M., & Dasch-Yee, K. (2018). Do Students Overestimate Their Contribution to Class? Congruence of Student and Professor Ratings of Class Participation. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 18(3).
Author Biographies

Megan L Meyer, Holy Family University

Department of Psychology

Associate Professor

Stacy A McDonald, Holy Family University

Department of Psychology

Associate Professor

Lynn DellaPietra, Marymount California University

Business, Leadership and Psychology


Kimberly Dasch-Yee, Holy Family University

Department of Psychology

Associate Professor


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