Brightening the Mind: The Impact of Practicing Gratitude on Focus and Resilience in Learning

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Jane Taylor Wilson


A growing body of groundbreaking research shows that gratitude has the power to heal, energize, and transform lives by enhancing people psychologically, spiritually, physically, and cognitively. This study contributes to the study of gratitude by exploring its impact on focus and resilience in learning. Specifically, this study examines the impact that practicing gratitude has on college students’ ability to focus in class and remain resilient in the face of difficulties while learning.


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How to Cite
Wilson, J. T. (2016). Brightening the Mind: The Impact of Practicing Gratitude on Focus and Resilience in Learning. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 16(4), 1–13.
Author Biography

Jane Taylor Wilson, Westmont College

Jane Wilson, Associate Professor of Education, is a champion for the teaching-learning process and seeks to help students of all ages experience the joy of learning. After earning a BA (University of Washington) and a teaching credential (Seattle Pacific University) Jane taught in elementary and junior high public schools. After obtaining her PhD in Educational Psychology (University of California at Santa Barbara), Dr. Wilson began teaching and supervising student teachers in various teacher education programs and joined the Westmont faculty in 2008.


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