Assessing the impact of a short-term service-learning clinical experience on the development of professional behaviors of student physical therapists: A pilot study

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Jeannette Renee Anderson
Leslie Taylor
Julie Gahimer


As with most health care provider education programs, physical therapy programs seek ways to develop professional behaviors of students. This study describes the integration of a one-week service-learning experience into an existing clinical internship. Quantitative and qualitative data were analyzed between groups of students who participated in the experience, expressed a desire to participate but were unable to, and those who did not wish to participate.  Results suggest that engaging in, as well as the desire to engage in, a service-learning project for under-served members of our community is associated with professional behavior development from students’ and clinical preceptors’ perspectives. 


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Anderson, J. R., Taylor, L., & Gahimer, J. (2014). Assessing the impact of a short-term service-learning clinical experience on the development of professional behaviors of student physical therapists: A pilot study. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 14(4), 130–143.


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