LGBTQ+ Ally Identity Development in Religiously Affiliated Institutions

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Jaelyn Millon


The focus of this research is based on the existing LGBTQ+ Ally Identity Development Theory as it relates to existing theory regarding students at religiously affiliated institutions. Through examination of the currently existing literature regarding allies, religious, and spiritual development, the focus of this research stems from the role that ally development plays during this developmental process at religiously-based institutions. The research concludes that there are four stages to LGBTQ+ Ally Development Theory at Religiously Affiliated Institutions: Introduction of Oppression, Individual Reflection, Uprooting of Views, and Conjunction of Values. The implications of this theory help to provide context to the developmental stages of individuals undergoing this particular development as it relates to a student’s institutional environment.


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How to Cite
Millon, J. (2021). LGBTQ+ Ally Identity Development in Religiously Affiliated Institutions. Journal of the Student Personnel Association at Indiana University, 49, 89–97. Retrieved from