The Journal of Economic Development in Higher Education is not currently accepting new submissions.

Focus and Scope

The Journal of Economic Development in Higher Education is an online, peer-reviewed academic journal dedicated to the study of university-led economic development, which examines the ways in which institutions of higher education foster the global competitiveness of their regions through human capital formation; research and innovation; and the creation of knowledge-centric, mixed-use communities and innovation districts.

The Journal includes opinion pieces; articles on new frameworks, theories, or concepts; data-driven research articles; program evaluations, and/or qualitative or quantitative case studies that highlight or analyze the role played by institutions of higher education* in:

  • Promoting economic development, innovation, and entrepreneurship, especially through interdisciplinary initiatives and public-private partnerships;
  • Improving the impact, reach, and applicability of the institution’s research—and improving the impact and reach of other strategic niches of expertise—to enhance institutional and regional competitiveness;
  • Applying basic and applied research to solve an industry’s—or the region’s—most pressing challenges;
  • Leveraging institutional research and other resources to accelerate business formation and growth, develop new products and services, and/or link local businesses to the global economy through foreign investment or trade;
  • Engaging and linking elements of their region’s innovation ecosystem;
  • Developing and implementing solutions to their region’s human capital and workforce needs;
  • Facilitating access by various constituents to information or institutional resources; and
  • Creating knowledge-centric, mixed-use communities and innovation districts that serve as economic development nodes.

The journal also seeks submissions addressing the theoretical underpinnings on exactly why and how university-led economic development benefits society.

* For the purposes of this journal, institutions of higher education include community colleges, 4-year colleges, universities, consortiums of these types of entities, or affiliated institutions with an economic development mission, to include university-hosted Small Business Development Center, business incubators, business accelerators, research and technology parks, etc.

Peer Review Process


JEDHE uses a two-step review process. First, the editor reviews each submission to determine whether or not it is suitable to be sent out to the peer reviewers. Submissions found not suitable for review will be returned to the author suggestions for revision. Reasons for this finding may include failure to follow author guidelines, significant spelling/grammar errors, or the articles does not align with the journal’s focus and scope.

Peer Reviewers

JEDHE is a refereed publication. Peer reviewers have backgrounds in a variety of subject areas and methodologies.

Peer Review Process

JEDHE uses a blind review process. That is, all references to the author(s) are removed before the manuscript is sent out to reviewers. Likewise, reviewers are not identified to the author(s).

A set of criteria is used by reviewers to evaluate manuscripts submitted to the JEDHE. Reviews will focus on content and readability. Reviewers are asked to provide a written assessment and make a disposition on each submission they review and submit it to the editor. They can recommend:

  • Accept for publication
  • Accept for publication contingent on minor revision
  • Major revision and resubmission required
  • Reject for publication

The editor weighs the reviewers' comments and recommended disposition for each manuscript in making the final publication decision. When authors are asked to revise and resubmit manuscripts, the revision may be sent for another round of reviews or reviewed by the editor. That decision is made at the discretion of the editor.


The general criteria for reviewing submissions are listed below.

Content Criteria

  • Contribution: Adds to the body of knowledge related to Economic Development in Higher Education.
  • Audience: Of broad interest to potential readers.
  • Usefulness: Helps Economic Development professionals, academic researchers, and/or Higher Education administrators improve their effectiveness. Specifically suggests applications.
  • Rigor: Based on valid and reliable information, documentation or sound concepts; content is empirically, logically and/or theoretically supported.
  • Clear Focus: Central ideas, findings and conclusions control the article. Has a clear main point.

Readability Criteria

  • Interest: Captures and holds readers' attention.
  • Understandable: Uses easy-to-understand language and flows smoothly.
  • Development: Appropriately sequences and constructs paragraphs and sentences to support the central idea and conclusions.
  • Mechanics: Uses acceptable standards of spelling and grammar.

Publication Frequency

The Journal of Economic Development in Higher Education will be published twice a year.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.