Journal of Academic Advising

Autoethnography and Advising in the Time of Corona

We live in extraordinary times. As the SARS 2 COVID-19 novel coronavirus pandemic sweeps the globe, higher education is experiencing unprecedented disruption, dislocation, and distancing. In response, the Journal of Academic Advising (JAA) invites submissions for the creation of two distinct scholarly products.

First, JAA invites article-length submissions for a special issue using forms of ethnography we find particularly germane to the current moment: virtual-, auto-, and collaborative autoethnography. These ethnographic methods provide valuable lenses for critical and theoretical analyses of higher education and academic advising in this time of crisis. McGill, Duslak, and Puroway (2019) explored collaborative autoethnography (CAE) in Issue 2 of JAA, and quoted Chang (Chang et al, p. 18, 2016) as saying CAE “enables researchers to use data from their own life stories as situated in sociocultural contexts in order to gain an understanding of society through the unique lens of self”. We endeavor to extend our lived experiences into scholarship that engages with ways of knowing, knowledge dissemination, concepts of dislocation and social distancing, integrations of technology in moments of cultural trauma, and the effect(s) of the pandemic on institutions and units. We encourage multiple perspectives on advising in the time of COVID-19, including professional advisors, advising administrators, faculty advisors, and peer advisors.

Completed manuscripts (formatted in Times New Roman, 12-point font, double-spaced) should follow MLA Style Guidelines (8th Edition) and can be submitted for peer-review online HERE on or before November 1, 2020.

Second, the editors of the Journal of Academic Advising are creating a repository of contemporary vernacular culture. The editorial board requests submissions of cultural productions arising as a result of the pandemic to create a living archive that attests to the power of this moment. Many of us are muddling through new means of advising, teaching, learning, collaboration, exploration, and communication while navigating complex institutional and technological structures. Simultaneously, we are attempting to process and make sense of all of this while dislocated in a time of personal and cultural anxiety. Given this, we on the board feel it is valuable to collect, collate, and publish cultural materials that reflect these difficulties and anxieties in a digital archive that acts as a tool for research, learning, and understanding while simultaneously offering a snapshot of the contemporaneous moment.

Please submit materials such as personal experience narratives, poems, short stories, photographs, videos, artworks, memes, musings, and emails (both institutional and personal) that reflect on advising and higher education in a time of unprecedented pandemic disruption. These cultural artifacts can reflect the stories, experiences, struggles, humor, images, and creative collaborations of individuals or communities within the bounds of higher education, institutional and student interactions, and beyond. The deadline for submissions for archival materials will be indefinite and we encourage continual submissions as the emergency evolves. Please send submissions to  Submissions should include the collector's information, consent of any individuals appearing in images, and the context (date/time/venue) of collection. 

We appreciate your consideration and look forward to your submissions to the journal and archive.

Thank you, and, stay safe and healthy,

The Editorial Staff of the Journal of Academic Advising