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Jessica Fennen


The present study assesses the effect money has on happiness and stress amongst 19 Indiana University South Bend students. The experiment was conducted through a classroom exercise called the Poverty Game, which consisted of marble currency, a slideshow of life events, and roles assigned to each person to tell them their careers and incomes. The sample was split into three groups: upper class (wealthy group; N=4), middle class (middle group; N=7), and lower class (poverty group; N=8). Five surveys were distributed prior to, throughout, and at the end of the game to measure self-reported happiness and stress levels. When measuring at the effect money had on happiness, statistically significant results were not found. However, the effect money had on stress was significant F(~.16) = .J. 035; p=. OJ. Further research, such as research on a larger more diverse group or research held in a different country that places less value on wealth, should be conducted.


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