Sex, Buds, and Rock 'N' Roll: Images of American Freedom and Sexuality in Budweiser's Television Advertisement, "Anticipation"

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Nathaniel Dale


During a time of economic uncertainty in the U.S., beer
giant Budweiser offers a unifying rallying cry to the public with
their advertisement, "Anticipation." This video text serves as a
form of reassurance of a collective identity to viewers while
aligning itself with images of rebuilding a country that has been
downtrodden. The collage of images set to a quickening musical
and visual pace induces viewers into contemplating their identities
as Americans. But, between the lines, the video text reveals
gender stereotypes depicting women as creatures of intimate
sexuality and servitude, deliberately obscuring the distinction
between what it means to be a contributing member of
contemporary American society or merely a caricaturized image
of gender synthesized by an advertising agency.


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