Haplology within M-Words and P-Words: Revisiting the Stuttering Prohibition in Turkish

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Deniz Tat
Jaklin Kornfilt


We revisit the Stuttering Prohibition (SP) in Turkic languages originally proposed by Kornfilt (1986), which requires that morphemes of the same type cannot co-occur in adjacent positions. Following Nevins' (2010) typology of haplology, we distinguish between haplological restrictions that hold at the M(orphosyntactic)-Word stage and those that hold at the P(honological)-Word stage. We show that morpheme iterations that are subject to the SP are featurally sensitive and phonologically insensitive and are thus crucially repaired at the M-Word stage through deletion, portmanteaux morphology or avoidance before terminals receive phonological form. On the other hand, causative iteration and passive iteration in Turkish, which appear to be counter-examples to the SP at first glance, are phonologically sensitive and are thus repaired by inserting phonologically appropriate allomorphs at Vocabulary Insertion, constituting fitting examples of haplology that hold at the P-Word stage.



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