Pedagogies of Possibility: The Integration of Asset-Based Equity Pedagogies and Project-Based Learning

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Brandi Hinnant-Crawford
Emily Virtue
Liz Bergeron


While project-based learning (PBL) and asset-based equity pedagogies (ABEPs) have traditionally been studied separately, there is reason to believe that the combination of the two strategies can produce unimaginable. This study examines the relationships between students’ perception of both PBL and ABEPs as it relates to non-academic outcomes such as problem-solving abilities, likelihood to persist, and civic consciousness and engagement.  Bivariate regression was used to determine the degree to which exposure to PBL and ABEPs explains the variance in student outcomes.  Student focus group data confirms and expands our quantitative findings.

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2024 Special Issue: Designing for Equity within Problem-Based and Project-Based Learning


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