The Iterative Development and Use of an Online Problem-Based Learning Module for Preservice and Inservice Teachers

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Peter Rillero
Laurie Camposeco


Teachers’ problem-based learning knowledge, abilities, and attitudes are important factors in successful K–12 PBL implementations. This article describes the development and use of a free, online module entitled Design a Problem-Based Learning Experience. The module production, aligned with theories of andragogy, was a partnership between the recipients of a grant using PBL to enhance English language learner education and the Sanford Inspire Program. A multistage evaluation design was used in the iterative process of module creation. Starting with an initial white paper, the module’s conceptualization, development, pilot testing, and refinement are described, along with the current use statistics. The URL for the new, easier to access location for the module is provided, along with suggestions for its use in teacher education.

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