Integrating Web 2.0 Technologies into Face-to-Face PBL to Support Producing, Storing, and Sharing Content in a Higher Education Course

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Jaana Virtanen
Päivi Rasi


In this article we present and discuss the process of developing and implementing a PBL-based course entitled Moving Images in Teaching and Learning that was held at the University of Lapland, Finland. In the course of the project, this fairly traditional face-to-face course was redesigned into a blended PBL course by integrating Web 2.0 applications into the course. The pedagogical rationale was to support students’ meaningful learning in various phases of the PBL process, and to enable easy storage and sharing of the ideas produced by the students. In addition, the rationale was to create more opportunities for students to report on their process during their independent knowledge acquisition phase and for the teacher to monitor and support students’ information searching processes. We focus mainly on students’ experiences of the implementation and conclude with ideas about our next steps.

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Voices from the Field


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