Transforming Pedagogy: Changing Perspectives from Teacher-Centered to Learner-Centered

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Sharon Dole
Lisa Bloom
Kristy Kowalske


This study used an online-structured interview methodology to examine the impact of an intensive field experience in facilitating problem (PBL) and project-based learning (PjBL) on teachers’ pedagogy. The purpose of the study was to determine to what extent the field experience had transformed their teaching. Data were collected in the form of online interviews with 36 participants who completed the gifted education licensure program at a regional state university in the southeast. The online interviews were followed up with telephone interviews with four of the participants. The resulting themes can be grouped under the major categories of teacher-related and student-related themes. This article will focus on the teacherrelated themes, the most important being the change in the teachers’ pedagogy. The article will further discuss the obstacles that stood in the way of the teachers’ successful implementation of PBL and PjBL.

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