Every Lesson Needs a Gandalf: How Interactive Storytelling can Enhance the Collaborative Learning Experience!

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Siem Buseyne
Chaja Libot
Tim Van Lier
Annelies Raes


Every teacher aspires to create the ideal lesson! You want to convey the knowledge and skills in the best possible way while also keeping learners motivated. In our design case, we focus on the complex skill of collaborative problem-solving (CPS). In today’s complex world, the acquisition of CPS competencies is considered an important learning goal in education. However, there is limited knowledge on how to teach and assess CPS competencies. In addition to tackling these challenges, we search for new ways of interactive storytelling to implement in the learning materials. Our main design challenge was how to design a learning experience that encourages CPS. To address these challenges, we started in 2020 the project titled Supporting TEamwork in AMbient learning Spaces (STEAMS). In this project, we designed the EDUbox Teamwork, a four-hour learning activity for children between the ages of 10 to 14. In this paper, we describe the iterative process of designing the materials to learn about CPS (i.e., CPS as a learning goal) by doing CPS (i.e., CPS as a method), enhanced by interactive storytelling, for which the design-based research approach was used. The design team consisted of a diverse group of educational researchers, computer scientists, instructional graphical designers, digital storytellers, and teachers. Given the strong collaboration between a research group specialized in computer-supported collaborative learning and specialists in digital storytelling, our design case incorporated insights from both parties. The learning activity was piloted both in in-vivo and in-vitro contexts in collaboration with at least 400 students.


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How to Cite
Buseyne, S., Libot, C., Van Lier, T., & Raes, A. (2024). Every Lesson Needs a Gandalf: How Interactive Storytelling can Enhance the Collaborative Learning Experience!. International Journal of Designs for Learning, 15(2), 65–78. https://doi.org/10.14434/ijdl.v15i2.35644
Author Biographies

Siem Buseyne, KU Leuven (Belgium) & Université de Lille (France)

Siem Buseyne is a Ph.D. researcher at Université de Lille (France) and at KU Leuven (Belgium). His main research interests are collaborative problem-solving and computer-supported collaborative learning, including the use of technology-enhanced learning spaces, multimodal learning, and classroom analytics.

Chaja Libot, VRT Innovatie

Chaja Libot is a design researcher at the innovation department of VRT, the Flemish public broadcaster. She outlines the needs and wishes of users towards new technologies and products. She believes in Design Thinking as a methodology and applies it throughout projects during stages such as generating ideas, developing concepts, prototyping, and implementation.

Tim Van Lier, VRT Innovatie

Tim Van Lier is a digital product owner at the innovation department of VRT. He believes in the combination of technology, storytelling, and pedagogy. He is currently involved in different educational projects at VRT.

Annelies Raes, KU Leuven

Annelies Raes is an Assistant Professor at KU Leuven within the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences. Her main fields of interest are new innovative education models such as active learning and collaborative problem-solving and how this can be supported by emergent technologies. More specifically she is interested in the role of the teacher in technology-enhanced learning environments for complex learning.