Onboarding Students at Scale: A New Student Orientation Course that Prepares Students to Succeed in their Online Degree Programs

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Heather Leslie


A new online orientation course equips students with the tools and skills to thrive in online programs. It welcomes them to the university, introduces the learning management system, fosters peer connection, and locates essential resources. Additionally, it teaches valuable strategies for time management, motivation, and success in online learning. This adaptable base course caters to the university’s diverse online programs while maintaining a core structure. Designed for efficient facilitation by Academic Directors, it also allows for a personalized touch. Surveys indicate the course effectively prepares students for their first online course. Notably, completing the orientation has become the strongest predictor of student retention and academic success. This award-winning approach serves as a valuable example for designing online student orientation programs.


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How to Cite
Leslie, H. (2024). Onboarding Students at Scale: A New Student Orientation Course that Prepares Students to Succeed in their Online Degree Programs. International Journal of Designs for Learning, 15(2), 41–53. https://doi.org/10.14434/ijdl.v15i2.35590
Author Biography

Heather Leslie, University of San Diego

Heather Leslie is an instructional designer in the Learning Design Center at the University of San Diego. Her research interests include the scholarship of teaching and learning and trends in higher education. Heather enjoys collaborating with faculty to create engaging, innovative, and meaningful learning experiences for students that align with the university’s mission and values.