Seeing the Unseen—Spatial Visualization of the Solar System with Physical Prototypes and Augmented Reality

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Gunver Majgaard
Lasse Juel Larsen
Patricia Lyk
Morten Lyk


The presented design case gives examples of designing an Augmented Reality learning scenario about the Solar System with 6th grade. The case connects the physical and virtual worlds in Augmented Reality, like 3D planetary globes floating above the textbook. This way, students can interact with digital information embedded in the physical environment.

The stakeholders in the design process consisted of researchers in the role of designers, while teacher and students were co-designers and informants. During the process, several physical and digital prototypes were developed and tested.

Through the co-design development process, it became clear that the design affordances of Augmented Reality together with the scholastic content of the Solar System invited design potentials such as visualising far away objects by bringing them near i.e. being able to see what is otherwise difficult to perceive. Through the development process, the design potentials of Augmented Reality acted as a lens to access distant realities; included herein visualisation of planet sizes, their relationships, and movement pattern


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How to Cite
Majgaard, G., Larsen, L. J., Lyk, P., & Lyk, M. (2017). Seeing the Unseen—Spatial Visualization of the Solar System with Physical Prototypes and Augmented Reality. International Journal of Designs for Learning, 8(2).
Author Biographies

Gunver Majgaard, University of Southern Denmark

Gunver Majgaard is an Associate Professor in the Department of Embodied Systems for Robotics and Learning Unit at the University of Southern Denmark. With a background in electrical engineering, she currently is interested in how technology can enrich learning processes in formal education. Her research interests include emerging technologies in education, game-based learning, design of digital educational tools, participatory design processes, learning processes, and program and curriculum development.

Lasse Juel Larsen, University of Southern Denmark

Lasse Juel Larsen is an Assistant Professor in the Department for the Study of Culture and Faculty of Engineering at the University of Southern Denmark. He currently is establishing the interdisciplinary Social Technology Lab. His research interests include game design and development, computer game aesthetics, playful interactions (transmedia worlds, wearables), play, and learning theory.

Patricia Lyk, University of Southern Denmark

Patricia Lyk is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Engineering and the Business Academy at the University of Southern Denmark. She currently teaches interaction design and is a co-founder of Mixed Reality Center South, which specializes in making full, virtual, and augmented reality solutions.

Morten Lyk, University of Southern Denmark

Morten Lyk teaches game development and mixed reality at Askov Folk High School in Denmark and is an instructor at the University of Southern Denmark. He is a co-founder of Mixed Reality Center South.


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