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Please follow Chicago Manual of Style guidelines. Our preference is for American English orthography, and the copyediting of your submission will reflect these conventions.


Times New Roman, 12 pt.

1.15 spacing

1 inch margins top, bottom, left and right

Text should be aligned left

Paragraphs start indented (.5”)

Use “double inverted (“smart”) quotes”

Citations and references in text (not in footnotes or endnotes): as (Author 2008, 55-57).

Numbers: write out numbers one through nine; use numerals for 10 and higher (exception: if a sentence starts with a number, write it out—“Twenty-five years ago…”)

Place punctuation inside quotation marks: “Punctuation inside quotation marks.”

Longer quotes/extracts (those over 5 lines) should be set apart as separate paragraph and indented (.5”) on both sides (as here).  One space before and after quotes. 

Section headings in bold, left justified.



One space before and after subject headings


Header on all pages except first page.

Anthropology of East Europe Review in Calibri 11 pt font, centered, italics


Footer on first page:

Anthropology of East Europe Review in Calibri 11 pt font, left side, italics

Page number on right side

All other pages should have page number, center


Title in Calibri 18 pt font, bold

Author’s name in italics, 12 pt, bold, followed by affiliation in bold

Title and author single spaced. 



Use endnotes, not footnotes

Use Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3), not Roman (i, ii, iii)

Web sites in endnotes should be “hotlinked”

Notes and references cited are single spaced with one space between each note and reference. 



Use modified Chicago Author-Date style (see Chicago style: http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide.html):

Author Last Name, First Name. Date. Article/Book Title. Journal/edited book title.  City:

Publisher/volume(issue): pg.#s. doi or active link if available (Second line should have .5” hanging indent)



AEER is happy to publish photos with articles, provided proper permissions are obtained from subjects appearing in the photos and/or other interested parties. Please send photographs in .jpg or .tiff format in the highest resolution possible.


Word count:

No official word limit but articles are generally 6,000 – 10,000 words.