Spectrum: A Journal on Black Men is a multidisciplinary research journal whose articles focus on issues related to aspects of Black men's experiences, including such topics as gender, masculinities, and race/ethnicity. Spectrum examines the social, political, economic, and historical factors that influence the life chances and experiences of African-descended males using disciplinary and interdisciplinary theoretical perspectives, empirical methods, theoretical analysis, and literary criticism.


Books for review


Spectrum: A Journal on Black Men welcomes scholars to contact us if they would be interested in reviewing one of our available books for review. We ask that potential reviewers request only one book at a time and also that all reviewers keep their reviews to around 500 words and send us their review in three to four months. Our available list of books is below:

Howard Ball, Taking the Fight South: Chronicle of a Jew's Battle for Civil Rights in Mississippi

Mark Christian, The 20th Century Civil Rights Movement: An Africana Studies Perspective

William E. Cross Jr., Black Identity Viewed from a Barber's Chair
Nigrescence and Eudaimonia

Ernest L. Gibson, III, Slavic Manhood: James Baldwin's Novelization of Male Intimacy

W. Lawrence Hogue, "This World Is Not My Home": A Critical Biography of African American Writer Charles Wright 

Christopher C. Jett, Black Male Success in Higher Education: How the Mathematical Brotherhood Empowers a Collegiate Community to Thrive

Amadu Jacky Kaba, The Black American Gender Gaps: American Citizenship, Educational Attainment, and National Leadership Positions

William Kashatus, William Still: The Underground Railroad and the Angel at Philadelphia

Sherrow O. Pinder, Michael Jackson and the Quandary of a Black Identity

Laura Morgan Roberts, Anthony J. Mayo, and David A. Thomas (Eds.), Race Work & Leadership: New Perspectives on the Black Experience