Fostering Muslim Civic Engagement through Faith-Based Community Organizing

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Brad R. Fulton


Muslims often encounter discriminatory practices similar to those experienced by other minority groups living in the United States. Such practices range from mass incarceration and anti-immigration efforts to racial and religious profiling. In response, a growing number of U.S. Muslim leaders are organizing their communities and collaborating with non-Muslims to address these issues through civic participation and political action. At the same time, several foundations throughout the country have begun asking how to promote civic engagement among U.S. Muslims. Although little is known about U.S. Muslim civic engagement and its outcomes, data from a national study indicate that faith-based community organizing is becoming a viable pathway for Muslim communities to (1) strengthen themselves internally by developing civic leaders and mobilizing everyday Muslims to address issues affecting their community and (2) strengthen their external ties by bridging religious and social differences and by promoting policies that also benefit non-Muslims. 


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How to Cite
Fulton, B. R. (2018). Fostering Muslim Civic Engagement through Faith-Based Community Organizing. Journal of Muslim Philanthropy &Amp; Civil Society, 1(1). Retrieved from