Department of Philosophy, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, SAR, China


Pluralism and dialogue characterize philosophy at CUHK. We are the largest Philosophy Department in Hong Kong and one of the Asia-Pacific region’s leading teaching and research centers. The Department offers a home to ongoing philosophical research across (in alphabetical order) Anglo-American, Chinese-Eastern and Continental-European philosophical traditions.

Our faculty members come from Asia, Europe and North America. Their diverse cultural and educational backgrounds, international outlook, multilingual competence, and broad range of interests and expertise support a comprehensive curriculum and research. The Department has become a hub of international research in analytical philosophy, Chinese philosophy and phenomenology. In view of its unique cultural and historical heritage and geographical location, the Department is one of the leading centers in Chinese-Western comparative philosophy.

We offer a diverse, balanced curriculum that is matched only by a few universities locally and internationally. Our undergraduate program offers students a strong liberal arts education, prepares them for advanced work in philosophy and trains them in critical thinking and written oral communication skills, applicable to a wide variety of professions, such as government, law, business, information technology and health professions. Our postgraduate programs (PhD, MPhil and part-time MA) provide advanced training in specialized areas of philosophy (Anglo-American, Chinese-Eastern and Continental-European).

The Department hosts several international conferences a year, has a vibrant Speaker Series and sponsors mini-courses by distinguished international faculty. Four research centers are affiliated with the Department. The Department now houses a major peer-reviewed journal in comparative philosophy, Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy, and three journals in Chinese, Journal of Phenomenology and the Human Sciences, Journal of Phenomenology and Contemporary Philosophy, and The Journal of Chinese Philosophy and Culture.

Learn more about our Philosophy Department by exploring our website. 

—Zhihua Yao, Chinese University of Hong Kong, SAR, China