Islamic Schooling and the Identities of Muslim Youth in Quebec: Navigating National Identity, Religion, and Belonging (2022) (by Hicham Tiflati)

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Claire Alkoualti


Within Canada’s geographical and sociocultural diversity, Quebec may be a complicated province for young people who identify as Muslim to live and develop, due not only to Bill 21 and enduring controversies over bans on religious symbols (Montpetit, 2021). Hicham Tiflati goes straight to the heart of the matter in his 2021 book by inviting young Muslims, along with parents and teachers, to share their thoughts and experiences on developing integrated identities in Islamic schools within the sociocultural milieu of Quebec. The book’s biggest strength is the diversity of young Muslim voices it presents—voices often marginalized and stereotyped in the mainstream media—and the sensitive, nuanced way that Tiflati engages them, providing space and context for readers to discern a sense of the province’s young Muslim people’s perspectives on many of today’s pertinent social and educational issues.

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How to Cite
Alkoualti, C. (2023). Islamic Schooling and the Identities of Muslim Youth in Quebec: Navigating National Identity, Religion, and Belonging (2022): (by Hicham Tiflati). Journal of Education in Muslim Societies, 4(2), 127–131. Retrieved from
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