Jazz Education in Research and Practice explores diverse topics of jazz scholarship and its applications to pedagogy. The journal provides a forum for interaction and exchange between researchers and practitioners grounded in scholarship. It was developed by and is an extension of the Jazz Education Network Research Interest Group (JENRing) founded in 2014 under the umbrella of the Jazz Education Network (JEN). The journal aims to be inclusive of a wide range of perspectives, from musicology to cultural studies, from psychology to business, that can be applied in the field. In this respect, the editors particularly welcome articles that provide models, resources, and effective techniques for the teaching and learning of the art form.
Call for Submissions: Jazz Education in Research and Practice, Vol VI (JAZZ)
JAZZ is distributed to all JEN members upon publication and available to the general public through JSTOR and Project Muse. We are excited to announce that our JEN research journal, Jazz Education in Research and Practice (JAZZ), transitioned to rolling submissions starting September 1, 2023. This change means you can submit articles any time.
We should note that submission within a certain time frame will not guarantee publication in a particular volume. As each issue has a maximum page count, the number of accepted articles within particular categories need to align with the general format of each volume. We still anticipate that volumes are published yearly with the new volume being available at the JEN conference in January.
For more information about author submissions, use the following link: https://scholarworks.iu.edu/iupjournals/index.php/jazz/information/authors
For questions contact: Martin Norgaard mnorgaard@gsu.edu
The following types of articles will be considered for publication:
- Research studies: data-driven formal research projects with appropriate analysis, formal hypotheses and their testing, etc. These studies use either a quantitative or qualitative methodology that the authors should describe in detail. Accepted articles contain rigorous research that also leads to significant new understanding in pedagogy.
- Case studies: a case study that focuses on an intense analysis of a specific teaching situation or problem that led to a solution. Case studies should have the following components: description of the teaching situation or problem, solution or solutions attempted, quantitative or qualitative analysis of the effectiveness of the solution, reflection on the implications and possible generalization to other settings or populations.
- Reflective essays: essays that challenge current practice, encourage experimentation, or draw novel conclusions.
- Literature reviews: a systematic review or meta-analysis of the literature that illuminates new relationships and understanding of contemporary issues bridging teaching and learning.
- Quick Hits: a brief contribution describing innovative teaching practices or a novel use of a teaching or learning tool that has already been successfully implemented (1500 words or less). It should describe the practice or use of the tool as a step-by-step process and include sufficient detail to allow another educator to use the Quick Hit in his or her own teaching.
The title page should include: the title of the article, the names of all authors, their affiliations and email addresses, and funding mechanisms if applicable. No other parts of the submission should include information that can be used to identify the authors.
The article should be accompanied by an Abstract of 150-200 words and three to five key words. Please do not include citations in the abstract.
Journal articles should be no more than 8000 words including endnotes, citations, and abstract using APA format. Please refer to the style guidelines on the website at https://scholarworks.iu.edu/iupjournals/index.php/jazz/about/submissions#authorGuidelines
- Mentoring
The JENRInG Mentoring Initiative is a service provided by published JENRInG writers and authors experienced in the process of peer-reviewed publishing. We assist aspiring jazz researchers who may be interested in submitting articles for publication in Jazz Education in Research and Practice (JAZZ). Mentoring teams are matched one-on-one according to shared fields of expertise and styles of research. Those interested in either obtaining or providing mentoring are invited to contact Dr. Tish Oney, JENRInG Mentoring Chair at tishoney@gmail.com.
- Book Reviews
Each issue of JAZZ includes a review of recent books related to jazz education. The reviews of these books should rise to the same level of rigor as the other articles published in JAZZ that is, they should critically discuss the content and possible applications to the field in a respectful manner that is informative to authors and readers. Book Reviews should be no more than 2500 words in length, including endnotes.
Important Dates:
Full Article Submission Rolling
Notification regarding acceptance/ revisions June 30, 2024 or earlier for Volume VI
Submission after revision July 30, 2024 or earlier for Volume VI
Publication of Volume V January 3, 2024
Publication of Volume VI January 3, 2025, tentative