The Indiana Theory Review (ITR) and Musica Theorica (MT) are glad to announce the start of a collaborative project centered on multilingual joint publications. By simultaneously publishing in English and Spanish or Portuguese, we aim to foreground work produced in languages with less visibility in the field of music theory while bringing works in English to a broader readership.

For our first joint issue, we encourage submissions on the topic of “Music Theory, Analysis, and Latin America.” Our broad topic is not meant as an exhaustive approach to the subject, but as an open invitation to authors from any background working on any of the diverse musical practices of Latin America. Papers may address, for instance, Latin American repertoires, composers, and compositional styles from an analytical perspective. They can also discuss ideas, concepts, or music theories proposed or developed within this region.

Submissions may be in English, Portuguese, or Spanish and should be approximately 6000 words in length. Submitted manuscripts will undergo an anonymous peer review process and will be published in English by ITR and in either Portuguese or Spanish by MT. We are aware that these three languages do not fully reflect the wide diversity of linguistic practices found in the Americas. Authors considering submitting in another language can contact the editors for possible accommodations. Once selected for publication, authors will be responsible for providing a first draft of the translation. Authors interested in submitting but unsure of how to provide a translation should contact the editors for assistance and possible accommodations.

To be considered for this year’s issue, articles must be emailed to by March 15th.

For information about the formatting guidelines, authors can refer to those available on  ITR’s webpage for manuscripts in English ( or those available on Musica Theorica’s submissions page for manuscripts in Portuguese or Spanish (

By joining forces from North and South America, this collaboration hopes to widen the dialogue among theorists and analysts in the Americas and around the world.

            Any further questions can be sent to