Focus and Scope

Electronic services, through information systems (IS) and information technologies (IT), are transforming businesses, economies, and societies in an unprecedented manner. The ubiquitous nature of the Web and the Internet has transformed the traditional notion of electronic services defined as services using information and communication technologies (ICT). Modern electronic services consist of wide-ranging digital information infrastructures or services that leverage the Internet or the Web (e.g., e-commerce, e-business, digital marketing, fintech, e-health, e-government, wearable technology, smart homes, smart energy, smart cities, and more), either as standalone applications or as embedded technology, to create novel applications and value through interactions of processes, people, and technology. Their development and adoption is guided by advances in recent information technologies such as mobile computing, cloud computing, application stores, Internet of Things (IoT), blockchain infrastructure, big data analytics and artificial intelligence technologies. These electronics services offer exciting opportunities for pioneering research around innovative applications and the transformation of business processes, organizations, and societies at large.

e-Service Journal is a refereed international journal, that serves as an important forum for pioneering research on the foundations, design, development, delivery, management, evaluation, and impact of electronic services in any form or application. It serves to disseminate ideas and findings from cutting-edge industry developments in electronic services that expand the academic body of knowledge as well as novel academic research that has substantive relevance to industry and practice. Studies related to electronic services in varied application domains (e.g., healthcare, energy, government, transportation, manufacturing, logistics, public services, etc.), in addition to business discipline areas (e.g., finance, marketing, etc.), are welcome.

The journal publishes innovative research on all aspects of electronic services from analytical, behavioral, and technological perspectives, spanning a rich array of topics, such as information architectures, data generation and storage, data governance, data mining, privacy, security, ethics, standardization, business models, process management, social aspects (e.g., user behavior, user adoption, etc.), value chains, market forces and mechanisms, economics and agency issues, regulatory and compliance issues, among others. E-service journal invites articles from diverse methods and methodological foundations. Qualitative and quantitative research methods are both accepted. Design science studies, case studies, conceptual and theory-development papers, as well as empirical studies involving hypothesis testing are accepted. In addition to regular research articles, the journal also publishes shorter articles on literature reviews, current industry trends, research outlooks, and article responses.


Journal Details

  • Frequency: triannually
  • ISSN: 1528-8226
  • eISSN: 1528-8234
  • Keywords: Information Systems, Technology, Informatics, Digital Platforms, Digital Services, System Design, System Development, User Behavior, Data Analytics


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