About the Journal
Focus and Scope
African Conflict and Peacebuilding Review (ACPR) is an interdisciplinary forum for creative and rigorous studies of conflict and peace in Africa, and for discussions among scholars, practitioners, and public intellectuals in Africa, the United States, and other parts of the world. ACPR provides a wide range of theoretical, methodological, and empirical perspectives on the causes of conflicts and peace processes including, among others, cultural practices relating to conflict resolution and peacebuilding, legal and political preventative measures, and the intersection of international, regional, and local interests and conceptions with conflict and peace. ACPR is published jointly by the West African Research Association and Indiana University Press.
ACPR publishes the following kinds of works: i) research articles, ii) briefings, iii) photo essays (i.e. photos plus text), iv) multimedia (i.e. audio and/or video with text), and v) book and film reviews.
For information about submitting a manuscript, visit the Submissions page. To view past and current issues, visit ACPR on JSTOR and Project Muse. For information about purchasing a subscription to the journal, please visit the Project Muse subscription page.
Peer Review Process
ACPR is a double-blind peer reviewed journal. All research articles are reviewed by at least two external reviewers. Briefings are reviewed by at least one external reviewer. Photo essays, multimedia works, and book/film reviews are reviewed by the journal editors. In some cases, photo essays and multimedia works can be sent for external review.
Publication Frequency
ACPR is a semiannual publication (spring and fall).
Journal History
International Editorial Board
Eugenie Aw-Ndiaye, West African Research Center, Dakar, Senegal
Sandra Barnes, University of Pennsylvania
John Clark, Florida International University
Cheikh Tidiane Gadio, former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Senegal
Gladys Ganiel, Trinity College Dublin
Rosalind I. J. Hackett, University of Tennessee
Art Hansen, Clark Atlanta University
Timothy Longman, Boston University
Daniel Rezene Mekonnen, Tilburg University
Mechthild Nagel, SUNY Cortland
Stephen Ndegwa, World Bank
Ebenezer Obadare, University of Kansas
Brett O’Bannon, DePauw University
Cyril Obi, Social Science Research Council, New York
Kenneth Omeje, United States International University, Nairobi
Brian Polkinghorn, Salisbury University
Jean-Jacques Sene, Chatham University
Rebecca Upton, DePauw University
Mats Utas, The Nordic Africa Institute, Sweden
Leonardo Villalón, University of Florida
Peter Anders VonDoepp, University of Vermont
I. William Zartman, SAIS, Johns Hopkins University