RE: Archaeological Records Review for Proposed Road Reconstruction of Epworth Road from SR 66 to Telephone Road in Warrick County, Indiana
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Glenn A. Black Laboratory of Archaeology, Indiana University
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The Glenn A. Black Laboratory of Archaeology, Office of Cultural Resource Management (GBL-OCRM), Indiana University has completed an archaeological records review for the proposed road reconstruction of Epworth Road. The proposed impact area will involve road reconstruction of a two mile section that is located on Epworth Road from SR 66 to Telephone Road. Topographically, the project area setting is in the relatively flat to gently rolling upland area of the Wabash Lowland. According to information contained in the GBL-OCRM site and survey files, no previous systematic archaeological surveys have been conducted in the proposed project area, though surrounding areas contain several previously documented prehistoric and historic sites. In view of the topographic setting and large number of sites surrounding the proposed project area, it is the opinion of the GBL-OCRM that the possibility exists for previously undocumented prehistoric sites to be located in the project area. Thus, the GBL-OCRM recommends that all portions of the proposed project area that have not been previously disturbed through prior earth-moving activities such as grading or filling be subjected to Phase Ia archaeological reconnaissance-level survey, which will confirm the presence, nature, and extent of disturbance in the proposed project area, and will confirm the presence or absence of potentially important cultural resources.
Abstracts are made available for research purposes. To view the full report, please contact the staff of the Glenn A. Black Laboratory of Archaeology (
archaeological report
Pope, Melody. 2002. "RE: Archaeological Records Review for Proposed Road Reconstruction of Epworth Road from SR 66 to Telephone Road in Warrick County, Indiana," Glenn A. Black Laboratory of Archaeology Report of Investigation 02-12
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