Lightweight Aggregate Potentialities of Some Indiana Shales

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Indiana Geological & Water Survey


Laboratory tests show that some Indiana shales are potential sources of manufactured lightweight aggregate. Bloating, the process by which lightweight aggregates are manufactured, is caused by various constituents acting singly or in combination. Chemical composition and mineral composition of the shales and particle-size distribution of the mineral constituents are interrelated, and all of these factors contribute to the bloating of shales. This study was made to test the potential use of some Indiana, shales as raw materials for manufacturing lightweight aggregate. Such aggregate was produced in Ohio, Illinois, and Kentucky before any interest was shown in Indiana. A new plant is now producing lightweight aggregate from shale of the Borden group near Brooklyn, Ind., but other plants are needed to meet the increasing demand for lightweight concrete in the State. It is hoped that this report will stimulate interest in developing lightweight aggregate from shale and will enable future producers of lightweight aggregate in Indiana to evaluate better the location, thickness, extent, and physical properties of various shale formations.


Indiana Geological Survey Report of Progress 12


Economic Geology, Industrial Minerals, Construction Materials, Aggregate, Shale, Sedimentary Rocks, Lightweight Aggregate, Indiana


Murray, H. H., and Smith, J. M., 1958, Lightweight aggregate potentialities of some Indiana shales: Indiana Geological Survey Report of Progress 12, 42 p., 1 pl., 7 figs.



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Technical Report