Beam Diagnosis and Lattice Modeling of the Fermilab Booster
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[Bloomington, Ind.] : Indiana University
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A realistic lattice model is a fundamental basis for the operation of a synchrotron.
In this study various beam-based measurements, including orbit response matrix (ORM) and BPM turn-by-turn data are used to verify and calibrate the lattice model of the Fermilab Booster.
In the ORM study, despite the strong correlation between the gradient parameters of adjacent
magnets which prevents a full determination of the model parameters,
an equivalent lattice model is obtained by imposing appropriate constraints.
The fitted gradient errors of the focusing magnets are within the design tolerance and the
results point to the orbit offsets in the sextupole field as the source of gradient errors.
A new method, the independent component analysis (ICA) is introduced
to analyze multiple BPM turn-by-turn data taken simultaneously around a synchrotron.
This method makes use of the redundancy of the data and the time correlation of the source signals
to isolate various components, such as betatron motion and synchrotron motion,
from raw BPM data.
By extracting clean
coherent betatron motion from noisy data and
separates out the betatron normal modes when there is linear coupling,
the ICA method provides a convenient means to measure the beta functions
and betatron phase advances.
It also separates synchrotron motion from the BPM samples for dispersion function measurement.
The ICA method has the capability to separate other perturbation signals and is robust over
the contamination of bad BPMs.
The application of the ICA method to the Booster has enabled the measurement of
the linear lattice functions which are used to verify the existing lattice model.
The transverse impedance and chromaticity are measured from turn-by-turn data using
high precision tune measurements. Synchrotron motion is also observed in the BPM data.
The emittance growth of the Booster is also studied by data taken with ion profile monitor (IPM).
Sources of emittance growth are examined and an approach to cure the space charge induced
emittance growth for low energy synchrotron beams is discussed.
Thesis (PhD) - Indiana University, Physics, 2005
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Doctoral Dissertation