Islamic Sharia based group micro-lending initiative and implementation trajectory experience in Kandahar during Taliban regime

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Although some people think the concept Sharia Law Islamic Banking system is ancient (old), modernized Islamic Banking has been introduced and operational for many decades in the world now. Countries like Bangladesh, Malaysia, UK, Singapore, Pakistan and Bahrain competitively run their Islamic banking side by side with modern commercial banks who are successful in their banking operations with financial sustainability. However, Islamic Sharia micro-financing servicers are rare and new in the Muslim world although it is urgent and it can be done easily to make poor economic actors in the society and to address the issue of poverty. The Islamic Sharia Law group micro-lending initiative and implementation in Kandahar, Afghanistan during Taliban Regime in 1996-1997 was one of the innovation launched by the author funded and supported by UHCR- Grameen Bank-Grameen Trust to revive and to make business entrepreneurs and economic actors instead provide aid relief to poor and to returnees’ repatriation rehabilitation. The project received approval from the Shura of Afghan Taliban Authority. The project got popularity as in the project area as it was ran by the Sharia based micro credit services that followed the Murabaha (loss and profit sharing investment) and Mudarabah (provide business materials in kinds instead cash to entrepreneurs) system in providing micro-credit to acute disadvantaged people; however, the project experienced that the unstable political and economic situation hinders to project operation, management and development. Islamic rational ethical values, norms and principles knowledgeable to elites and the support from local authority are crucial for implementing the Sharia micro-financing programs for eradicating poverty in any nation state especially in Muslim states.



Bai-Muajjal, Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad, Grameen Bank, Islamic Banking, Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd., Group Guaranteed Lending and Saving (GGLS), Islamic Sharia micro-financing, Murabaha, Mudaraba, Sharia Law, Riba UNHCR, and Save the Children Fund USA.





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