Archaeological Monitoring of Site 12MO1013 for the Replacement of County Bridge NO. 100 Over Clear Creek (Project No. BRZ-9953[ ]), Monroe County, Indiana
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Glenn A. Black Laboratory of Archaeology, Indiana University
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On 19, 20, and 21 May 2004 and on 9 June 2004, the GBL-OCRM conducted archaeological monitoring of an historic timber creek crossing (12MO1013) located within the right-of-way (ROW) during the replacement of County Bridge No. 100 (Project No. BRZ-9953[ ]) under contract with the Monroe County Highway Department. Site 12MO1013 is located in Clear Creek Township approximately one half mile north of Harrodsburg, Indiana. In April 2004, the Monroe County Highway Department requested the services of the GBL-OCRM to assist the highway department by monitoring the area of the historic stream crossing structure (12MO1013) during the initial construction phase of above said bridge replacement project. The main concern regarding possible construction-related effects to 12MO1013 was the removal of three trees whose roots appeared to have become entangled within the outer edges of the wooden beam structure. Two trees were located on the south bank of Clear Creek and the third was located on the north bank. It was decided that the best way to avoid disturbance of the submerged wooden beams was to cut the trees as close to the ground as possible and leave the root balls intact. Ropes were attached to the trees in order to keep them from falling into the creek and onto the submerged structure. All three trees were successfully removed with no adverse effect to 12MO1013. GBL-OCRM staff archaeologists were also present to monitor the emplacement of the coffer dam that was situated just west of the submerged timbers. The coffer dam was successfully installed and removed with no adverse effect to 12MO1013. Upon final inspection of 12MO1013 following the emplacement of County Bridge No. 100, the southern half of the timber crossing is now located under approximately one and a half to two feet of silt and sediment (i.e. sand and gravel) deposited during the emplacement of County Bridge No. 100 (Figure 4). GBL-OCRM archaeologist Bryan Will waded into the creek in order to locate the submerged timbers situated beneath the recently deposited sediment. Manual removal of silt combined with probing (via the use of a steel rod) were used in order to confirm the presence of 12MO1013. One cross timber (oriented north-south) approximately 50 cm in length is currently exposed and protrudes from the north bank of the creek. It is the opinion of the GBL-OCRM that the bridge replacement of County Bridge No. 100 did not adversely affect the structural integrity of 12MO1013. No further investigation is necessary and archaeological clearance is recommended. However, if artifacts, cultural features, and/or remains that might prove to be human are discovered during future earth-moving activities or bridge related maintenance, the State Historic Preservation Officer at the Division of Historic Preservation and Archaeology (DHPA), Indiana Department of Natural Resources, should be contacted immediately.
Abstracts are made available for research purposes. To view the full report, please contact the staff of the Glenn A. Black Laboratory of Archaeology (
archaeological report
Will, Bryan, and Melody Pope. 2004. "Archaeological Monitoring of Site 12MO1013 for the Replacement of County Bridge NO. 100 Over Clear Creek (Project No. BRZ-9953[ ]), Monroe County, Indiana," Glenn A. Black Laboratory of Archaeology Report of Investigation 04-06
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