The Role of Bridging Cultural Practices in Racially and Socioeconomically Diverse Civic Organizations

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American Sociological Review


Organizations can benefit from being internally diverse, but they may also face significant challenges arising from such diversity. Potential benefits include increased organizational innovation, legitimacy, and strategic capacity; challenges include threats to organizational stability, efficacy, and survival. In this article, we analyze the dynamics of internal diversity within a field of politically oriented civic organizations. We find that “bridging cultural practices” serve as a key mechanism through which racially and socioeconomically diverse organizations navigate challenges generated by internal differences. Drawing on data from extended ethnographic fieldwork within one local faith-based community organizing coalition, we describe how particular prayer practices are used to bridge differences within group settings marked by diversity. Furthermore, using data from a national study of all faith-based community organizing coalitions in the United States, we find that a coalition’s prayer practices are associated with its objective level of racial and socioeconomic diversity and its subjective perception of challenges arising from such diversity. Our multi-method analysis supports the argument that diverse coalitions use bridging prayer practices to navigate organizational challenges arising from racial and socioeconomic diversity, and we argue that bridging cultural practices may play a similar role within other kinds of diverse organizations.


Accepted manuscript, postprint version.


civil society, community organizing, organizational culture, racial and socioeconomic diversity, religion


Braunstein, Ruth, Brad R. Fulton, and Richard L. Wood(authors contributed equally). “The Role of Bridging Cultural Practices in Racially and Socioeconomically Diverse Civic Organizations.”American Sociological Review79:705-25.




