Archaeological Reconnaissance of a Proposed Borrow Pit Along C R. 1050 S., South of Moscow (Project No. B-23334), Rush County, Indiana

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Glenn A. Black Laboratory of Archaeology, Indiana University


At the request of Duncan Robertson, Inc., the Glenn A. Black Laboratory of Archaeology (GBL) performed a cultural resources reconnaissance survey at the proposed location of a borrow pit 2.4 km (1.5 miles) south of Moscow, Rush County, Indiana. The purpose of the borrow pit excavation is to provide materials for the replacement of Rush County Bridge #192 over Flatrock River. Approximately 1.25 acres were surveyed by means of a systematic shovel probe survey and .18 acre was examined by visual pedestrian survey. The purposes of the present survey were to: 1) identify and document the cultural resources in the proposed project area; 2) assess their potential for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) and the Indiana Register of Historic Sites and Structures (IRHSS); and 3) make recommendations pertaining to the significance and future treatment of cultural resources (if present) within the project area. Fieldwork was performed on March 13, 1998 by GBL archaeologists Wendy L. Natt and Mary E. Pirkl. Two prehistoric sites, 12 Ru 571 and 572, were discovered during the course of the survey. However, judging from factors such as artifact density and type, previous site disturbance, and site soil characteristics, it is not likely that the sites contain buried, intact cultural deposits. Furthermore, the GBL believes that the research and information potential of these two sites was fully exhausted by the present survey. The GBL concludes that excavation of the proposed borrow pit most likely will not impact significant cultural resources. Cultural resource clearance is therefore recommended for the proposed project area.


Abstracts are made available for research purposes. To view the full report, please contact the staff of the Glenn A. Black Laboratory of Archaeology (


archaeological report


Natt, Wendy. 1998. "Archaeological Reconnaissance of a Proposed Borrow Pit Along C R. 1050 S., South of Moscow (Project No. B-23334), Rush County, Indiana," Glenn A. Black Laboratory of Archaeology Report of Investigation 98-06



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