Archaeological Survey for the Proposed Mullinix 138/12.47 kV Substation and 138kV Tap Line Site, Johnson County, Indiana
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Glenn A. Black Laboratory of Archaeology, Indiana University
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At the request of Hoosier Energy REC, Inc., the Glenn A. Black Laboratory of Archaeology, Indiana University (GBL) performed a cultural resources survey of the proposed location for construction of a 138/12.47kV substation and its associated 138kV tap line and access road, west of Smith Valley, Johnson County, Indiana. A total of approximately 2.0 acres was surveyed. The purposes of the survey were 1) to identify and document all of the cultural resources in the project area, 2) to evaluate any sites with regard to their eligibility for inclusion on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) and the Indiana Register of Historic Sites and Structures (IRHSS), and 3) to make recommendations for the protection of significant and potentially significant sites. Fieldwork was conducted February 24 and 26, 1999 by GBL archaeologists Mary E. Pirkl, Amanda S. Roth, Lee T. Fennimore, and Jessica A. Satkoski. One previously unrecorded archaeological site, 12 Jo 436, was discovered in the project area. The site, which yielded one piece of historic ceramic and 3 pieces of prehistoric debitage, will most likely not contribute significant information to the knowledge of Indiana history or prehistory in the area, and is recommended to be non-significant and ineligible for inclusion on either the NRHP or the IRHSS. Therefore, cultural resource clearance is recommended for the project area provided that all construction and earthmoving activities are limited to the area currently staked.
Abstracts are made available for research purposes. To view the full report, please contact the staff of the Glenn A. Black Laboratory of Archaeology (
archaeological report
Pirkl, Mary. 1999. "Archaeological Survey for the Proposed Mullinix 138/12.47 kV Substation and 138kV Tap Line Site, Johnson County, Indiana," Glenn A. Black Laboratory of Archaeology Report of Investigation 99-02
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