Archaeological Survey for the Proposed Addition of Travel Lanes on U. S. 35/22 from Goyer Road in Kokomo to Bridge over Wildcat Creek (Reservoir) in Greentown (Project: STP-153-3, Des. #9706380), Howard County, Indiana

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Glenn A. Black Laboratory of Archaeology, Indiana University


At the request of the Indiana Department of Transportation, the Glenn A. Black Laboratory of Archaeology, Indiana University (GBL) conducted a Phase Ia archaeological reconnaissance survey for the proposed addition of travel lanes on U. S. 35/22 from Goyer Road in Kokomo to the bridge over Wildcat Creek (Reservoir) in Greentown, Howard County, Indiana. The project area consists of existing and additional permanent right-of-way along approximately 9906 meters (6.16 miles) of U.S. 35/22, and portions of intersecting roads. Approximately 5.6 hectares (14 acres) were surveyed. The purposes of survey were 1) to identify and document all of the cultural resources in the project area, 2) to evaluate any sites found with regard to their eligibility for inclusion on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) and the Indiana Register of Historic Sites and Structures (IRHSS ), and 3) to make recommendations for the protection of significant and potentially significant sites within the project area. Fieldwork was conducted on July 28, 31, and August 8-9, 2000, by GBL archaeologists Devin W. Fishel, Cindy K. Parish, Amanda S. Roth, and Jeff G. Brown. Principal Investigator was Dr. Robert G. McCullough. One previously unrecorded prehistoric archaeological site (12 Ho 271) was discovered during survey. Site 12 Ho 271 is an isolated lithic find (flake) and is unlikely to yield information significant to the understanding of Indiana prehistory in the region. No additional archaeological investigation is recommended for the site. It is the opinion ofthe GBL that 12 Ho 271 is not eligible for inclusion on either the NRHP or the IRHSS. Per a request put forth by InDOT, the GBL conducted a preliminary evaluation of Structures #7 and # 18, which lie in close proximity to the proposed project area, in order to determine the presence of 19th century log cabin elements in the current structures. If either structure will be impacted by the currently proposed construction, each building should be thoroughly documented by quali:fied professional historical archaeologists prior to any impacts. The GBL observed the remains of a farmstead of indeterminate age located in the vicinity of, but not within, the eastern portion of the proposed project area. It is the opinion of the GBL that as long as the proposed construction is confined to the currently delineated right-of-way boundaries, the area will not be adversely affected.


Abstracts are made available for research purposes. To view the full report, please contact the staff of the Glenn A. Black Laboratory of Archaeology (


archaeological report


Fishel, Devin W., and Cindy K. Parish. 2000. "Archaeological Survey for the Proposed Addition of Travel Lanes on U. S. 35/22 from Goyer Road in Kokomo to Bridge over Wildcat Creek (Reservoir) in Greentown (Project: STP-153-3, Des. #9706380), Howard County, Indiana," Glenn A. Black Laboratory of Archaeology Report of Investigation 00-35



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