Examining the Impact of Mobile First and Responsive Web Design on Desktop and Mobile Respondents

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Mobile First and Responsive Web Design are two approaches that survey researchers can utilize to improve the experiences of smart phone users, who make up a growing proportion of web survey respondents. The Mobile First approach has a layout optimized for smart phones that also serves as the basis for the desktop design, while Responsive Web Design allows for more dynamic adjustments based on browser size. We conducted experiments with each design within the past year. Both experiments were attempts to better meet the needs and expectations of mobile respondents with designs that could also be employed for desktop respondents with minimal differences in layout. For each, a random sample of respondents was assigned to receive the experimental version of each survey, while other respondents were assigned to a more traditional, desktop-focused design. The Mobile First experiment was conducted first. Smart phone users who were assigned the Mobile First layout were less likely to break off, and had lower duration times than smart phone users assigned to the traditional design. They also gave the Mobile First design higher ratings in a short post-survey evaluation questionnaire. Desktop users, however, had longer duration times when completing the Mobile First design when compared to the traditional design. They also rated the Mobile First design lower on professional appearance, and commented on excessive need for scrolling. We found no significant differences in response distribution among the layout versions and devices. Our second experiment was designed to address these specific concerns of desktop while maintaining the positive benefits for smart phone users. When this additional experiment is completed, we will compare both designs, considering data quality, response rates, evaluation scores, cost, and development time.


In this special Social Science Research Commons/Center for Survey Research summer event, IU researchers who presented at the 2015 American Association for Public Opinion Research and International Field Directors and Technologies conferences will share their presentations, answer questions, and engage in discussion with participants. Without having to leave campus, you’ll hear the latest on US public opinion on important political and social issues and new avenues for improving research methods in an increasingly complex yet exciting time for public opinion researchers and methodologists. So grab a lunch and we’ll provide the food for thought with some “hot off the presentation slides” research that is being conducted at IU.





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