ArcticDEM Batch Pipeline

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ArcticDEM project was a joint project supported by both the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency(NGA) and the National Science Foundation(NSF) with the idea of creating a high resolution and high-quality digital surface model(DSM). The product is distributed free of cost as time-dependent DEM strips and is hosted as https links that a user can use to download each strip. The created product is a 2-by-2 meter elevation cells over an over of over 20 million square kilometers and uses digital globe stereo imagery to create these high-resolution DSM(s). The method used for the 2m derivate is Surface Extraction with TIN-based Search-space Minimization(SETSM). With this in mind and with the potential applications of using these toolsets there was a need to batch download the DEM files for your area of interest and to be able to extract, clean and process metadata. In all fairness, this tool has a motive of extending this as an input to Google Earth Engine(GEE) and hence the last tool which is the metadata parser is designed to create a metadata manifest in a CSV file which GEE can understand and associate during asset upload.
ArcticDEM, Polar Geospatial Center, Digital Elevation Models, Stereo Imagery, NASA ASP, SETSM
Samapriya Roy. (2017, August 12). samapriya/ArcticDEM-Batch-Pipeline: ArcticDEM-Batch-Pipeline. Zenodo.
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