Mineral Economic Series - IGWS

Permanent link for this collectionhttps://hdl.handle.net/2022/27775

From 1954 to 2004, the IGWS annually produced a report titled “Mineral Economic Series xx: Petroleum Exploration, Development and Production in Indiana During 19xx/20xx". This series includes compilations of the oil and gas production for the state itemized by field. In addition to production figures, there are maps, graphs, and text describing exploratory success stories, historical production, stratigraphic interval information, and appendices of field consolidation names and dates. Within the primary table describing the annual production values are data for cumulative field production, depth, number of wells drilled, producing stratigraphic unit, discovery date, and gravity of the oil. The final MES report shows a date of 2004 but reflects 2002 data.


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