Permanent link for this collectionhttps://hdl.handle.net/2022/19573
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Item A Brief History of Folklore Archiving at Indiana University(2003) Smith, MoiraItem Sagamore of the Wabash(2017-10-30) Graf, JeffreyThe Sagamore of the Wabash award does not come with a seat in the house of lords, a kiss on both cheeks from the President of the Republic, or a hefty check from the King of Sweden. It is, though, or was until recently, the highest honor Indiana can give to acknowledge achievement or civic contributions.Item The Word "Hoosier" (Shorter Version)(2018) Graf, JeffreyAn edited version of "The Word 'Hoosier'" article by the same author, a former staff member for the Indiana University Libraries.Item What This Country Needs is a Really Good Five-Cent Cigar(2018) Graf, JeffreyIndiana governor (1909-1913) and vice president of the United States (1913-1921), Thomas Riley Marshall achieved a small measure of immortality with his quip, "What This Country Needs Is a Really Good Five-Cent Cigar." He never claimed the comment as his own, but its application to a senate (that "cave of winds") speech gave it lively currency.Item The Word "Hoosier"(2018) Graf, JeffreyA thorough investigation into the origins of the word "Hoosier" from a former member of the Indiana University Libraries Reference Services department.Item Diversity Residency Toolkit(ACRL Residency Interest Group, 2021-09) Adolpho, Kalani; Bergamasco, Maya; Corral, Ana; Peralta, Michelle; Rawls, Mallary; Tadena, Laura; Tavernier, WillaAlthough many factors contribute to a resident’s experience with their host institution, the lack of established standards and best practices for diversity residencies has led to a wide disparity of resident experiences. In order to reduce this disparity, the Diversity Residency Toolkit was developed to improve diversity residency programs through the tenets of responsible commitments, intentional planning, and responsive assessment that begin far in advance of a resident’s arrival. The Diversity Residency Toolkit has broad applications and is suitable for institutions that already have a residency program and as well as those who are considering developing a residency program. It may be used by current and prospective residents, residency coordinators, supervisors, library administrators, and other stakeholders of diversity residency programs. Although the toolkit is intended for diversity residencies hosted at academic institutions, it may be adapted for non-diversity residencies as well as non-academic organizations such as museums, public libraries, business libraries and archives, etc. Interested parties may complete the form at https://bit.ly/DivToolkit to participate.Item IU Libraries Course Material Services(2020-10-28) Vaughn, Matthew; Hare, SarahThis video describes the options and services that instructors have for selecting course materials. These include Open Educational Resources, fair use analysis, scanning of print materials, and finding/ acquiring library databases and eBooks.Item Scholarly Communication at the Library: Encouraging Open Access, Open Publishing, and Open Education(2020-08-27) Hoops, JennyThis presentation presents several strategies, services, and workflows to facilitate scholarly communication concepts at all levels of the library. This includes how to manage and encourage deposit to institutional repositories; how to provide support and consultations for faculty interested in making their work open access; and finally, how to help faculty find online open educational resources, especially with the recent shift to virtual teaching.Item Ownership & Openness in Scholarly Publishing: A Panel Discussion on Reforming Academic Journals(Indiana University Libraries, 2019-02-20) Frischer, Bernie; Guidi, Gabriele; Lariviere, Vincent; Sugimoto, Cassidy; Wittenberg, JamieCo-sponsored by IU Bloomington and IUPUI, the panel discussion will spotlight the rapidly changing landscape of academic publishing. Founding editors of the new journal Quantitative Science Studies, Prof. Cassidy Sugimoto (Indiana University) and Prof. Vincent Lariviere (Université de Montréal), will be joined by founding editors of Studies in Digital Heritage, Prof. Gabriele Guidi, (Politecnico di Milano) and Prof. Bernie Frischer (Indiana University). Jamie Wittenberg will moderate. Panelists will discuss barriers to access in academic publishing, and experiences leaving major commercial publishers to establish new journals supported by university presses and library publishing programs.Item Faculty Citations Visualization Website(IU Libraries, 2016-04-30) Paul, Logan; Noel, RobertThis website displays dynamic citation visualizations for faculty citations using data from available sources. Individual faculty and others charged with this task can import data on themselves and send along a link that visually represents their citations.Item A Bibliography and Subject Index to the Ecuadorian Laws in the Indiana University Libraries Government Publications Department(Indiana University, 1975) Hart, George C.This is a finding aid, bibliography and subject index on Ecuadorian laws, statutes, and regulations which comprise a small part of the Latin American government document collection in the Government Publications Department of the Indiana University Libraries (currently the Government Information, Microforms, and Statistical Services Dept. of the Herman B Wells Library -- 2007).