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Item Security, Information, and Memory Determine Locomotor Exploration in Rattus Norvegicus(2007-04-10) Alstott, JeffSince the 1930s, researchers have framed rat locomotion in a lit open field in terms of fear and anxiety. Modern studies have continued this interpretation, describing open field behavior in terms of security optimization. Since rats are a prey animal, such hypotheses certainly seem ecologically appropriate, and empirical research supports them. Rats placed in a new environment will spend most of their time next to walls or objects that provide some protection. However, the structure of rat movement in an open field cannot be predicted solely by fear reduction or ”security optimization.” The sex of the animal, the lighting conditions, and the temporal stability of the environment can all significantly affect the ambulation of rats in a novel or familiar environment devoid of food. Additionally, where the rats spend most of their time, their “home base,” is a function not just of a location’s relative security, but also of its familiarity. These results indicate that information gathering has a significant role in rodent exploration, which can supplement and potentially supersede evolutionary pressures to maximize security.