2020 IU Southeast Student Conference
Permanent link for this collectionhttps://hdl.handle.net/2022/25350
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Item Palladium Inspired Activation of Hindered Anhydrides for the Acylation of Alcohols and Polyols(2020-04-24) Haleem, Jada; Sabet, Jasmine; Davis, Elizabeth; Mensah, Enoch A.Though other methods have been sufficient in hydroxyl group protection during organic synthesis, a more cost effective, less toxic, and time efficient solution is ideal. We have discovered a new method that complements previous advance in organic synthesis. Our research has proven that a new method, including the addition of palladium as a catalyst, is quicker, has a wider substrate scope, and is substantially more efficient than alternatives. We desire to continue our inquiry on palladium, to include activation of multiple polyols suing more hindered anhydrides.Item Screams of Injustice: Why Don’t Americans Hear Them?(2020-04-24) Salehi, Noureddin (Javid)Item Research of Heat Mitigation Techniques to Reduce the Heat Island Effect on the Indiana University Southeast Campus(2020-04-24) Marzke, Gloria; White, Matthew; Giuffre, Zachary; Roads, BrandiThis study examined how greenspaces and hardscapes contribute to the overall heat retention of Indiana University Southeast’s campus. Our main areas that we focused on were forest, grass, building roofs, walking paths, parking lots/roads, and lake/water. Utilizing Google Earth Pro, we calculated the area of each area. Subsequently, we calculated the albedo of each surface type. Other research conducted includes mitigation techniques such as shade tree types to employ, adding shade to the main parking lot, the transformation of the Life Sciences building with a green roof, and the installation of pavers. For example, planting ½ the grassy areas with trees would increase the albedo by 58% and drop average surface temperatures by 8 degrees Celsius. By making these campus improvements, we will ensure fewer trips to medical centers for students impacted by intense heat; we will lower greenhouse gas emissions to combat the climate crisis; we will increase habitat areas for pollinator species and other native organisms; we will ensure that our current and future students have praise and a sense of belonging when thinking about our campus. It is our duty as informed students, faculty members, and stewards of this great planet to take action with the knowledge that we have amassed. By making the adjustments and gathering the data found within this proposal, we are headed towards not only a healthier, more efficient campus but better world.Item Misrepresentation of Females: Gender Stereotypes in Popular Film(2020-04-24) Henry, MitchellThis study analyzes how gender is portrayed throughout the 150 top-grossing animated films (1990-2019).Item Churchill Solitaire with Voice Recognition(2020-04-24) Stoner, Sam; Roberts, Calvin; Rayees, MohammadOur goal as a group was to implement voice recognition features to a Churchill Solitaire game that another group was creating. The game is like a a buffed up version of solitaire. The player starts out with 2 full decks of cards and they must try and stack them all in victory row to win. Our original goal was to have these voice features that would assist the user in controlling the game via the likes of wake words. They would have been words like move, left, right, value. We made it to a point where we did get voice recognition working in a sense that we could turn speech being spoken into text. In other words, we got the first big part down of getting the voice recognition working however we weren't able to get it linked to the game yet for any functionality related purposes.Item Type 1 Diabetes: What You Should Know(2020-04-24) Gibson, GracieHow would your daily life change with Type 1 Diabetes? This project will examine the daily struggle of having Type 1 Diabetes and a malfunctioning pancreas. There are three types of diabetes that will be discussed in this project. Through an analysis of scholarly literature, this project will show the long-term effects of Type 1 Diabetes on other vital organs such as the heart, kidney, [liver] damage, and the eye. There will be an analysis of new stem cell research that can be the future of diabetes treatment and is giving hope to people with Type 1 Diabetes.Item Cryptography: What Are Encryption Keys - Symmetric vs Asymmetric(2020-04-24) Sam, StonerItem The Relationship Between Birth Order, Socioeconomic Status, and Personality Variables(2020-04-24) Lewis, RaechelMuch research regarding the relationship between birth order and personality has been conducted and produced conflicting results, but few additional moderating variables have been considered. Socioeconomic status has been shown to impact life span development and overall well being. This study aimed to investigate the relationship among these three variables. Participants completed an online survey composed of demographic questions and the Mini IPIP personality test. The results revealed that while birth order did not impact overall personality scores, socioeconomic status did significantly impact overall personality scores. Results indicated that there was a main effect of birth order and socioeconomic status on personality, but no interactions were found. Thus, personality scores do not change in birth order based on various socioeconomic status.Item KNOWLEDGEBASE(2020-04-24) Reidinger, JordanItem The Wellness Initiative for Senior Education(2020-04-24) Harbeson, Emily; Kellerman, Kathleen; Schultz, MorganThere are over 52 million people in the United States over the age of 65. As life expectancy continues to increase, interventions are needed to promote independence and healthy lifestyles in this population. The Wellness Initiative for Senior Education (WISE) is a health promotion program that helps older adults increase their awareness of the aging process. IUS Senior nursing students visited Guerin Woods, a senior living community, and facilitated the WISE program with a group of twenty-two seniors. This poster will present the goals of the WISE initiative, activities performed, and the health outcomes of the individuals that participated.Item 2010 Haiti Earthquake(2020-04-24) Tran, KenItem Not So “HAPI”(2020-04-24) Watkins, HannahHospital acquired pressure injuries (HAPIs) are a serious healthcare problem that hinder the progression of care, cause pain, infection and can lead to death. HAPI’s also increase hospital stays, cost of treatment and increase in nursing time. To address this issue, an Indiana University Southeast RN-BSN student implemented a mandatory two-nurse skin assessment during mandatory bed side shift report on a 79 bed Medical-Inpatient Unit. This poster will demonstrate the process of designing and incorporating a two-nurse skin assessment with the bedside shift report within a local hospital to decrease the incidence of HAPIs.Item Quality of Interaction and Relationship Satisfaction(2020-04-24) Gilley, Megan; Rodriguez, LauraItem Comparing Vitamin B6 Concentrations in High Light Plants and Shade Tolerant Plants(2020-04-24) Kirtley, Stephen Noah; Scott, JaredVitamin B6 is an important co-factor in over 100 enzymatic reactions in the cell. One function of vitamin B6 is to neutralize reactive oxygen species. These can lead to cell damage at high concentration and tend to accumulate more quickly in high light. We hypothesize that high light plants will possess greater concentrations of vitamin B6 than shade tolerant plants. We collected plants from high light and shaded environments and are performing yeast assays to determine vitamin B6 content from plant extracts. We will compare the average vitamin B6 concentrations between high light plants and shade tolerant plants.Item Whose Mind Is It Anyway? The Relationship between Internalized Implicit Gender Bias, Implicit Self-Esteem, and Mental Health of Women(2020-04-24) Gavin, Holly; Ward, Lorna-MaeCan societal negative stereotypes and biases toward women be internalized by women and measured using the Implicit Association Test (IAT)? Do these implicit stereotypes impact a woman's implicit self-esteem without her being cognizant of it? Recent research shows a correlation between low implicit self-esteem and poor mental health. The current study aims to examine the relationship between implicit self-esteem, internalized negative stereotypes, and mental health. The IAT is used to measure implicit self-esteem and implicit gender bias. The Mental Health Inventory-21 is used to measure mental health and the Self- Attributes Questionnaire is another measure of self-esteem. It was hypothesized that a correlation will be found between high gender bias, low self-esteem, and poor mental health.Item Digitization, Curation, Georeferencing and Research of Fish: Fauna of Indiana(2020-04-24) Ranney, KayceeSeveral surveys were conducted on freshwater fish in the Blue River and its tributaries by students of IUS under the supervision of Dr. Claude D. Baker and Dr. Bill J. Forsyth between 1973-1997. This impressive collection, containing over 60 species of fish, has been housed in the Life Sciences building for over 40 years, yet except for one publication this data has not been analyzed or shared with the public until now. We are currently cataloging, digitizing, geo-referencing and researching this fish collection. We are also documenting all relevant documents such as time, date, coordinates of collection for public outreach.Item Identification of Hair Sample of an Unknown Mammal Species Using Electron Microscopy and DNA Sequencing(2020-04-24) Ranney, KayceeWe received a sample of a tuft of animal hair trapped in the wooden plank of the boardwalk from Fakahatchee Strand Preserve State Park Naples, Florida. This poses a threat to pedestrians who use the boardwalk everyday. Based on the claw marks and the hair sample color and size we confirmed the animal to be a mammal. We will analyze the hair sample using electron microscopy and DNA sequencing. By comparing the microscopy and DNA sequencing data with all possible mammals present in the State Park area we will be able to identify this animal species.Item The Second Half: Representation of Females in Media and the Social, Cultural Messages Received(2020-04-24) Marquis, JohnThis study looks at the gender stereotypes that are presented in children’s animated films. The dataset comes from top grossing 150 full length animated films from years 1990 to 2019.Item Impact of Daily Context Clue Reviews on Student Testing(2020-04-23) Cambron, MorganStudents in the sixth grade are lacking daily reviews in their English Language Arts classes. Research shows the importance of reviews that involve reflection and self-assessment of student work. This study will aim to determine if implementing a daily context clue review bellringer for my student will affect their test scores. Context clues are a highly tested district and state standard, supporting why I chose this specific skill. To see the efficiency of this study, I will compare students pretest to posttest score, collect field notes, and review student reflective journalsItem Hurricane Katrina: After the Levees Failed(2020-04-24) Capps, Frederick