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Item Interview responses of hiring managers regarding economic value of HPC experience for new STEM professionals(Indiana University, 2023) Snapp-Childs, Winona G.; Costa, Claudia; Olds, Daniel; Snell, Addison; Wernert, Julie A.; Stewart, Craig A.Interview responses of hiring managers regarding economic value of HPC experience for new STEM professionalsItem Survey instrument: new hire evaluation for scientific and engineering roles(Indiana University, 2023) Snell, Addison; Snapp-Childs, Winona G; Olds, DanielThe aim of this survey is to explore the decision factors that affect how new hires are made in science and engineering roles, and how those factors influence professional development and advancement within your organization. The results of the survey will help inform future candidates about the characteristics that are most valuable to employers, and therefore to their hiring and their careers. For the purposes of this survey, “new hire” refers either to new graduates (with undergraduate or post-graduate degrees) or candidates with less than two years of professional experience after receiving their degree. This survey focuses on scientific and engineering roles other than computer science, although we do ask about the relative importance of technical computing skills as one possible characteristic of hiring. This survey was conducted by Intersect360 Research in partnership with Indiana University under a grant through the National Science Foundation. For more information about Intersect360 Research or this grant, please inquire to ( Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing (PEARC24) Evaluation Report(Indiana University, 2024-11-07) Wernert, Julie A.; Miles, Tonya A.The eighth annual Practice & Experience in Advanced Research Computing (PEARC) conference, highlighting Human Powered Computing, was held July 21–July 25, 2024, in Providence, Rhode Island. The PEARC conference series is a community-driven effort built on the successes of the past, with the aim to grow and increase inclusivity by involving additional local, regional, national, and international cyberinfrastructure and research computing partners spanning academia, government, and industry. The PEARC Conference Series works to integrate and meet the collective interests of the growing Research Computing and Data (RCD) community by providing a forum for discussing challenges, opportunities, and solutions among its broad range of participants. PEARC Conferences are organized by a group of dedicated volunteers from the community, with oversight by a Steering Committee comprised of a diverse cohort of community members and are sponsored by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), the world’s largest educational and scientific computing society. This report summarizes results from the PEARC24 evaluation activities.Item Evaluation of the 2019 International High Performance Computing Summer School (IHPCSS)(2019-09-27) Lorna Rivera; Lizanne DeStefanoFindings and recommendations from the evaluation of the 2019 International High Performance Computing Summer School (Kobe, Japan)Item Evaluation of the 2017 International High Performance Computing Summer School (IHPCSS)(2017) Lorna RiveraFindings from the evaluation of the 2017 International High Performance Computing Summer School (Boulder, Colorado, USItem Evaluation of the 2016 International High Performance Computing Summer School (IHPCSS)(2016-11-13) Lorna RiveraFindings and recommendations from the evaluation of the 2019 International High Performance Computing Summer School (Ljubljana, Slovenia)Item Evaluation of the 2018 International High Performance Computing Summer School (IHPCSS)(2018-10-24) Lorna Rivera; Lizanne DeStefanoFindings and recommendations from the evaluation of the 2018 International High Performance Computing Summer School (Ostrava, Czech Republic)Item Evaluation of the 2021 International High Performance Computing Summer School (IHPCSS)(2022-03-10) Tonya Miles; Lizanne DeStefanoThe evaluation of the 2021 International High-Performane Computing Summer School (IHPCSS) used several surveys to assess students’ entry characteristics and expectations (Pre-event Survey), their progress during the Summer School (three mid-point check-ins), their perceptions upon exit from the Summer School (Post-event survey), and the experience of the Summer School Mentors (Mentor Post-event Survey). The results of the mid-point check-in surveys were distributed to organizers during the Summer School to guide program management in real-time and will not be discussed here. Results of the Pre-event Survey, Post-event Survey, and Mentor Post-event Survey are presented here.Item EVALUATION OF THE 2022 INTERNATIONAL HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING SUMMER SCHOOL (IHPCSS)(2022-09) Tonya Miles; Julie Wernert; Lizanne DeStefanoThe 2022 International High Performance Computing Summer School was held from June 19–24, 2022, in Athens, Greece. The summer school series is sponsored by PRACE, XSEDE (the eXtreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment), the RIKEN Center for Computational Science (R-CCS) and the SciNet HPC Consortium. The Summer School recruits the brightest students in computational sciences and endeavors to familiarize them with the state-of-the-art aspects of HPC and Big Data Analytics for scientific disciplines, catalyze the formation of professional networks, provide advanced mentoring, facilitate international exchange, and open up further career options. This report summarizes results from the 2022 IHPCSS evaluation activities.Item EVALUATION OF THE 2023 INTERNATIONAL HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING SUMMER SCHOOL (IHPCSS)(2023-08) Tonya Miles; Julie Wernert; Lizanne DeStefanoThe 2023 International High Performance Computing Summer School was held July 9 – July 14 in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. The summer school is sponsored by the Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE), the Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe (PRACE), the RIKEN Center for Computational Science (R-CCS), the Pawsey Supercomputing Research Centre (Pawsey), and the SciNet HPC Consortium. The Summer School recruits the brightest students in computational sciences and endeavors to familiarize them with the state-of-the-art aspects of HPC and Big Data Analytics for scientific disciplines, catalyze the formation of professional networks, provide advanced mentoring, facilitate international exchange, and open up further career options. This report summarizes results from the 2023 IHPCSS evaluation activities.Item Practice & Experience in Advanced Research Computing (PEARC23) Evaluation Report(Indiana University, 2023-09) Wernert, Julie; DeStefano, LizanneThe PEARC23 conference, Computing for the Common Good, was held July 23 –July 27 , 2023. The seventh annual Practice & Experience in Advanced Research Computing (PEARC) conference acknowledges rapid shifts that have become a constant in the field of advanced computing; the PEARC community’s role in creating new, state-of-the-art methods; and our imperative, as individuals, to achieve an ethical and connected computing future. This report summarizes results from the PEARC23 evaluation activities.Item AI and computing: Local tools @IU, some global challenges(2019-09-11) Michael, Scott; Stewart, Craig A.Item Survey of CASC Members on the Role of Industrial Programs in High Performance Computing Center Sustainability(2010-04-25) Modi, Jigar; Schwenker, Andrew; Sinha, Rohit; Tolly, MichaelThe Pervasive Technology Institute at Indiana University has engaged a team of graduate students to conduct a survey of Coalition for Academic Scientific Computation members to ascertain the status of their industrial partnership programs and determine what general features are consistent across members.Item Virtual Environments and Distributed Computing at SC'95: GII Testbed and HPC Challenge Applications on the I-WAY(ACM/IEEE SUPERCOMPUTING '95, 1995) Korab, Holly; Brown, MaxineThis publication documents the activities of the SUPERCOMPUTING '95 (SC'95) Information Architecture group. Several unique events are covered in detail--the Global Information Infrastructure (GII) Testbed for High Performance Computing (HPC) Challenge events that utilize the I-WAY, a national-scale, community-based, applications-driven ATM network. SC'95 Information Architecture activities were primarily organized by: -Electronic Visualization Laboratory, University of Illinois at Chicago -Mathematics and Computer Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory -Electronics and Computing Technologies Division, Argonne National Laboratory -National Center for Supercomputing Applications, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign -San Diego Supercomputer CenterItem Pervasive Technology Institute Annual Report: Research Innovations and Advanced Cyberinfrastructure Services in Support of IU Strategic Goals During FY 2017(2017-07-31) Stewart, Craig; Plale, Beth; Welch, Von; Pierce, Marlon; Fox, Geoffrey C.; Doak, Thomas G.; Hancock, David Y.; Henschel, Robert; Link, Matthew R.; Miller, Therese; Wernert, Eric; Boyles, Michael J.; Fulton, Ben; Weakley, Le Mai; Ping, Robert; Gniady, Tassie; Snapp-Childs, WinonaItem Indiana University Pervasive Technology Institute(2017-09-01) Stewart, Craig A.; Welch, Von; Plale, Beth; Fox, Geoffrey; Pierce, Marlon; Sterling, ThomasItem Pervasive Technology Institute Annual Report: Research Innovations and Advanced Cyberinfrastructure Services in Support of IU Strategic Goals During FY 2016(2016-08-01) Stewart, Craig A.; Plale, Beth; Welch, Von; Fox, Geoffrey C.; Link, Matthew R.; Miller, Therese; Wernert, Eric A.; Boyles, Michael J.; Fulton, Ben; Hancock, David Y.; Henschel, Robert; Michael, Scott A.; Pierce, Marlon; Ping, Robert J.; Gniady, Tassie; Miksik, Gary; Snapp-Childs, WinonaItem Pervasive Technology Institute Annual Report: Research Innovations and Advanced Cyberinfrastructure Services in Support of IU Strategic Goals During FY 2015(2015) Stewart, Craig A.; Plale, Beth; Welch, Von; Link, Matthew R.; Miller, Therese; Wernert, Eric A.; Boyles, Michael J.; Fulton, Ben; Hancock, David Y.; Henschel, Robert; Michael, Scott A.; Pierce, Marlon; Ping, Robert J.; Gniady, Tassie; Fox, Geoffrey C.; Miksik, GaryItem Pervasive Technology Labs at Indiana University Report to the Lilly Endowment, Inc.,102-Month Program Report(2008-08) McRobbie, Michael A.; Wheeler, Bradley C.This is a 102-month program report on the accomplishments of the Pervasive Technology Institute to the Lilly Endowment, Inc., Grant Number 1999 2289-000.Item Indiana University’s advanced cyberinfrastructure in service of IU strategic goals: Activities of the Research Technologies Division of UITS and National Center for Genome Analysis Support – two Pervasive Technology Institute cyberinfrastructure and service centers - during FY2014(Indiana University) Stewart, Craig A.; Barnett, William K.; Boyles, Michael J.; Fulton, Ben; Hancock, David Y.; Henschel, Robert; Link, Matthew R.; Michael, Scott A.; Pierce, Marlon; Ping, Robert J.; Miller, Therese; Wernert, Eric A.This report presents information on the activities of the Research Technologies Division of UITS and the National Center for Genome Analysis Support, two cyberinfrastructure and service centers of the Pervasive Technology Institute. Research Technologies (RT) is a subunit of University Information Technology Services (UITS) and it operates and supports the largest computational, data, and visualization systems at IU. The National Center for Genome Analysis Support (NCGAS) is primarily federally funded, serving the national community of genome scientists. NCGAS leadership is drawn from the Office of the Vice President for Information Technology, UITS, the College, and the School of Informatics and Computing. This report focuses on contributions of RT and NCGAS to accomplishment of IU’s bicentennial goals, and is organized according to those goals. Together the activities of NCGAS and RT represent a large share of the activities of PTI in support of the IU community. PTI’s Research Centers (Data to Insight Center, Digital Science Center, and the Center for Applies Cybersecurity Research) also provide support to the IU community in various forms but the primary focus of these research centers is informatics, information technology, and computer science research.