Libraries Assessment

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    Assessing Impacts of Information Literacy Instruction on Research Skill Development and Curricular Outcomes in the Jacobs School of Music
    (2023-01) Asher, Andrew; Shaw, Misti
    Using a rubric-based assessment of students’ research-oriented course assignments in conjunction with institutional records and grade-based measures of student success and achievement, this study evaluated the impact of course-integrated information literacy instruction in Music M401: History and Literature of Music I. Students enrolled in M401 demonstrated a high level of information literacy achievement as measured by correct academic source use in their research papers. However, this study was unable to demonstrate an impact of taking M401 on students’ subsequent course performance in either music or non-music courses.
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    Supporting Teaching with Primary Sources at Indiana University: An Ithaka S+R Summary Report
    (2020-10) Schwier, Carrie; Maryanski, Maureen
    Beginning in early 2019, Indiana University joined 24 other institutions from the United States plus two from the United Kingdom to participate in the Ithaka S&R study “Supporting Teaching with Primary Sources”. Indiana University-Bloomington (IUB) includes a vast network of over 50 galleries, libraries, archives, and museums that utilize primary sources to support the educational mission of the University. For the project, a local team of one archivist and one special collections librarian conducted interviews focusing on teaching with primary sources at IUB with the goal of identifying and developing recommendations for supporting this work at the local level. This report covers four general themes that were identified by the project team during the course of the study: The Importance of Teaching with Primary Sources, Learning to Teach with Primary Sources, Discovery and Access, and Physical Primary Sources and Collaboration.
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    Evaluating the Effectiveness of Integrated Information Literacy Instruction on Student Outcomes in the English W131 Multilingual Curriculum
    (2019-01-10) Asher, Andrew; Silvester, Katherine
    This study evaluates the educational outcomes of international students who complete multilingual sections of ENG-W131. After examining the effects of previous preparation and course sequences on ENG-W131 student performance using institutional data, this study assesses the information literacy skills demonstrated by students in the ENG-W131 Multilingual curriculum on their writing assignments. Key findings include that ENG-W131 appears to effectively prepare international students for other courses and that about half of international students who take ENG-W131 Multilingual satisfactorily meet learning outcomes for research writing. These findings will assist the ENG-W131 Multilingual Coordinator and instructors in further improving the ENG-W131 curriculum and instructional training.
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    Supporting the Changing Research Practices of Scholars across Asian Studies at Indiana University-Bloomington
    (2018) Stoll Farrell, Karen
    This report presents the findings and recommendations of a study conducted at Indiana University-Bloomington during the summer of 2017. This local study was conducted in conjunction with other institutional-level studies across the US in order to better understand the changing research needs of scholars in Asian Studies, and was coordinated at the national level by Ithaka S+R. This study was carried out by Brian Winterman, Information Literacy and Assessment Librarian, and Karen Stoll Farrell, Librarian for South and Southeast Asian Studies, under the advisement of Andrew Asher, Assessment Librarian. This report introduces the scope of Asian Studies at Indiana University and describes the research methodology in more detail. Findings are presented under major themes: self-identification of scholars within Asian Studies, differences in international scholarship, finding and accessing materials, access tools and methods, and networking. The recommendations outline potential paths forward to better support the research of Asian Studies scholars. Finally, appendices list other institutional reports where available, and include IRB information and interview questions used in the study.
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    Measuring the Impact of Information Literacy Instruction on Assignment-Level Learning Outcomes
    (2017) Asher, Andrew
    This study uses a rubric-based analysis to evaluate the impact of information literacy instruction on assignment-level learning outcomes. Student assignments were rated on how well they demonstrated four areas of information literacy skill development. These ratings were then used to compare the skill levels of students that had participated in information literacy instruction during their course of study to those that had not. The results of these comparisons demonstrated statistically significant positive differences with large effect sizes in the rubric scores for students who participated in instruction. However, regression models suggested that much of the observed differences were associated principally with student experience (measured by accumulated credits) rather than library instruction.
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    Who’s Asking What? Modelling a Large Reference Interaction Dataset
    (Association of Research Libraries, 2015) Asher, Andrew
    This paper analyzes the content and difficulty of approximately 450,000 reference transactions recorded by the Indiana University Libraries between 2006 and 2013.
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    SAILS Summary Report: Indiana University Bloomington, 2015
    (2016) Asher, Andrew; Winterman, Brian
    Executive summary report for the Standardized Assessment of Information Literacy Skills (SAILS) survey conducted at Indiana University Bloomington in Fall 2015.
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    Evaluating the Effect of Course-specific Library Instruction on Student Success
    (2017-01-27) Asher, Andrew
    This study evaluates the impact of course specific library instruction on undergraduate students’ course grade outcomes in 2014-2015. Grade distributions and mean grade outcomes were compared between courses that did and did not participate in library instruction and analyzed for the overall student population, students grouped by expected achievement level, and students enrolled in specific courses. In general, findings demonstrated statistically significant positive differences in grade outcomes for students receiving instruction, but with very small effect sizes, indicating little overall effect of library instruction. Regression models further indicated that observed differences in grade outcomes were principally associated with student preparation rather than library instruction. However, significant positive impacts with relatively high effect sizes were observed for students at the lower end of the expected achievement spectrum, suggesting the importance of library instruction for these students.