Research Technologies Workshops

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    Introduction to Information Visualization
    (2018-04-10) Davis, Jefferson; Reagan, David
    This workshop will introduce basic information visualization concepts and discuss their implementation within R analyses (ggplot2) and for Web (D3, Shiny, and Jupyter).
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    GIS Software and Data Sources for Research
    (2018-04-03) Peters, Justin
    This workshop will provide an introduction to Arc* and open-source software available at IU, and to available data sets and services, including ISDP.
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    Structural Equation Modeling
    (2018-03-27) Wild, Justin
    This talk will briefly outline Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) in comparison with more familiar statistical models (such as linear regression) and review several R packages tailored for the SEM community. In addition, these packages will be compared to perhaps the most well-known commercial package available, MPlus.
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    Creating Computational Interfaces
    (2018-03-20) Michael, Scott; Gniady, Tassie
    This workshop will focus on Jupyter/Zeppelin notebooks and Shiny R interfaces, and how to develop and where to run them.
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    Visualization with Paraview within the UITS-RT Advanced Visualization Lab
    (2018-03-06) Sherman, Bill
    This workshop will cover basic scientific visualization concepts and applications using Paraview, including data types, the basic interface, pipelines and more.
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    Analysis with MATLAB
    (2018-02-27) Davis, Jefferson
    This workshop will cover basic usage of MATLAB, different use cases and examples, and where to get and run MATLAB.
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    Databases, Enclaves and Repositories for Research
    (2018-02-20) Tuna, M.E.; Walsh, A.
    This workshop will cover managing research data with RDC and the Restricted-Access Data Remote Server (RADaRS); databases and enclaves; and the role of IU ScholarWorks for data.
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    Introduction to R
    (2018-02-13) Davis, Jefferson
    R is a flexible, free software language for statistical computing and visualizations. Its popularity is increasing across a broad range of disciplines. This workshop will provide and introduction to using R including: Downloading R and where to find R on IU computers, Basic R syntax, The Rstudio environment, Creating and importing data, Producing and editing graphs, Using statistical techniques such as t-tests, simple linear regressions, and mixed models.
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    Getting more from your research data
    (2018-01-30) Wernert, Eric
    An Overview of the UITS/RT Data, Analytics, and Visualization Workshop Series
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    Your Statistical Toolbelt
    (2018-02-06) Dickinson, Stephanie
    This introductory workshop will walk through IBM SPSS and SAS JMP software while giving an overview of how to identify what types of data analysis tools to use for a project, along with basic “DIY” instructions. We will discuss the most common analysis tools for describing your data and performing significance tests (Correlation, T-test, ANOVA, Cross-tabs, etc), and how they should be selected based on the type of data and the type of research question you have. This is geared towards students or faculty beginning their foray into quantitative analysis of research data, would like an introduction to SPSS or JMP, or would just like to step back and get a framework for how to navigate “what analysis to use when.”