Dianne M. Roden

Permanent link for this collectionhttps://hdl.handle.net/2022/6877

This is a pilot project to make the research of the faculty of Indiana University Kokomo available to the research community where publishing licenses permit us to do so.

Complete Record of Publications

Published Refereed Journal Articles:

"Quality Perception and the Championship Effect: Do Collegiate Sports Influence Academic Rankings?" co-authored with Steven Cox, Research in Higher Education Journal, vol 6, 2010, 4-14.

"Demutualization: Determinants and Consequences of the Mutual Holding Company Choice," co-authored with Kenneth Carow and Steven Cox, Journal of Banking and Finance, vol 33, 2009: 1454-1463.*

"Infusing Diversity into the Curriculum: What are Faculty Members Actually Doing?" co-authored with Susan Sciame-Giesecke and Kathy Parkison, Journal of Diversity in Higher Education, September, 2009: 156-165.

"A Case for Teaching Business Ethics in a Cost-Benefits Framework: Are Business Students More Discriminating in Their Decision Making?" co-authored with Steven Cox and Kathy Parkison, Mountain Plains Journal of Business and Economics, vol 10, 2009: 1-15.

"The Role of Insider Influence in Mutual-to-Stock Conversions," co-authored with Kenneth Carow and Steven Cox, Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, vol 39, 2007: 1285-1304.*

"Have the Big Accounting Firms Lost their Audit Quality Advantage? Evidence from the Returns-Earnings Relation," co-authored with Steven Cox and Brian Lee, Journal of Forensic Accounting, vol 8, 2007: 271-286.

"Mutual Holding Companies:  Evidence of Conflicts of Interest through Disparate Dividends," co-authored with Kenneth Carow and Steven Cox, Journal of Banking and Finance, vol 28, 2004: 277-298.*

"The Impact of Insider Motivation on Dual-Class Recapitalizations," co-authored with Steven Cox and Kenneth Carow, Journal of Business Disciplines, vol 5, 2004: 63-77.

"The Source of Value of Voting Rights and Related Dividend Promises," co-authored with Steven Cox, Journal of Corporate Finance, vol 8, 2002: 337-351.*

"The Impact of Mutual Holding Companies on Thrift Demutualizations: Implications for the Insurance Industry," co-authored with Steven Cox, Journal of the Indiana Academy of Social Sciences, vol 4, 2001: 124-132.

"After the Buyout: The Long View," co-authored with Wilbur Lewellen, Advances in Financial Economics, vol 5, 2000: 185-206.

"Initial Public Offerings by Mutual Thrifts: The Regulatory Impact," co-authored with Steven Cox, Journal of Economics and Finance, vol 23, 1999: 113-122.*

"Financial Management and Planning with the Product Life Cycle Concept," co-authored with David Rink, Business Horizons, vol 42, 1999: 65-72.

"Using Cross-Listed Courses to Provide Students Leadership and Team Player Experiences," co-authored with Steven Cox, Business Education Forum , vol 53, 1999: 43-45.

"Determinants of the Stock Price Reaction to Leveraged Buyouts," co-authored with Kenneth Carow, Journal of Economics and Finance, vol 22, 1998: 37-47.*

"Banks' Changing Incentives and Opportunities for Risk Taking," co-authored with Tina Galloway and Winson Lee, Journal of Banking and Finance, vol 21, 1997: 509-527.*

"Innovations in Teaching Cross-Listed Courses: Transforming a Classroom Challenge into a Learning Opportunity," co-authored with Steven Cox, Journal of the Indiana Academy of the Social Sciences, October, 1997: 41-47.

"Corporate Capital Structure Decisions: Evidence from Leveraged Buyouts," co-authored with Wilbur Lewellen, Financial Management, vol 24, 1995: 76-87.*

* A study published in the Journal of Financial Education (Spring 2001) concluded that each of these journals are in the Top 10 Ranked Finance Journals.

Papers in Refereed Proceedings:

"Have the Big Accounting Firms Lost their Audit Quality Advantage? Evidence from the Returns-Earnings Relation," co-authored with Steven Cox and Brian Lee, American Accounting Association Southeast Regional Meeting Proceedings, April, 2004.

"The Impact of Organizational Structure on Executive Compensation," co-authored with Steven Cox, Academy of Business Disciplines Proceedings, November, 2003.

"The Effect of Insider Motivation on Long-Run Performance of Dual-Class Recapitalizations," co-authored with Steven Cox, Academy of Business Disciplines Proceedings, November, 2002.

"The Impact of Insider Motivation on Market Reactions to Dual-Class Recapitalizations," co-authored with Steven Cox, Academy of Business Disciplines Proceedings , November, 2001.

"The Impact of Product Life Cycle Theory Upon Capital Budgeting Decisions," co-authored with David Rink, Indiana Academy of the Social Sciences Proceedings, October, 1996: 162-171.

"A Benefit-Cost Analysis of Quality Systems in the Food Industry," Indiana Academy of the Social Sciences Proceedings, October, 1994: 105-112.

"The Impact of the Type of Financing on Leveraged Buyout Premiums," Indiana Academy of the Social Sciences Proceedings, October, 1993: 99-106.

Other Publications:

"Mississippi Howl," AuthorHouse Publishing, Bloomington, IN, December, 2005.

"Uses and Abuses of Derivatives," Kokomo Tribune, June, 2003.

"Real Options," Kokomo Tribune, April, 2002.

"Top Ten Lists," published in More Quick Hits: Successful Strategies by Award Winning Teachers, Indiana University Press, 1998: 19-20.

"Strangers" and "A Spiritual Love," Critical Perspectives on Accounting, vol 9, 1998: 667-668 (Refereed Accounting Journal).

"The Value of Options," North Central Indiana Business Magazine, May/June, 1996: 15.

"Winners Take Chances," North Central Indiana Business Magazine , November/December, 1995: 11.

"Quality Systems Can Impact the Bottom Line," Kokomo Business Quarterly, January, 1995: 9.

"Are All Company Buyouts Bad?" Kokomo Business Quarterly, July, 1994: 11.

Paper Presentations(Not in Proceedings):

"Demutualization: Determinants and Consequences of the Mutual Holding Company Choice," co-authored with Kenneth Carow and Steven Cox, Midwest Finance Association annual meeting, San Antonio, Texas, March, 2008.

"Evidence of Managerial Opportunism during Mutual-to-Stock Conversions," co-authored with Kenneth Carow and Steven Cox, Midwest Finance Association annual meeting, St. Louis, Missouri (Won the Best Paper Award in the Intermediation category), March, 2003.

"Mutual Holding Companies: Evidence of Conflicts of Interest through Disparate Dividends," co-authored with Kenneth Carow and Steven Cox, Australasian Finance and Banking Conference in Sydney, Australia (an international conference), December, 2002.

    "The Impact of Mutual Holding Companies on Thrift Demutualizations: Implications for the Insurance Industry," co-authored with Steven Cox, Indiana Academy of the Social Sciences annual meeting, Evansville, Indiana, October, 2000.

    "The Sources of Value of Dividends and Voting Power," co-authored with Steven Cox, Indiana Academy of the Social Sciences annual meeting, North Manchester, Indiana, October, 1999.

    "Initial Public Offerings by Mutual Thrifts: The Regulatory Impact," co-authored with Steven Cox, Indiana Academy of the Social Sciences annual meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana, October, 1998.

    "Innovations in Teaching Cross-Listed Courses: Transforming a Classroom Challenge into a Learning Opportunity," co-authored with Steven Cox, Indiana Academy of the Social Sciences annual meeting, New Albany, Indiana, October, 1997.

    "Determinants of the Stock Price Reaction to Leveraged Buyouts," Midwest Finance Association annual meeting, Cincinnati, Ohio, March, 1995.

    "New Relationships with our Canadian Neighbors," International Issues Conference, Kokomo, Indiana, April, 1994.

    "Banks' Changing Incentives and Opportunities for Risk Taking in the 1980s," Financial Management annual meeting, Toronto, Canada, October, 1993.


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 4 of 4
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    The source and value of voting rights and related dividend promises
    (Elsevier, 2002) Cox, Steven R.; Roden, Dianne M.
    This paper examines the relative share pricing of 98 firms with two classes of common stock trading in the United States from 1984 to 1999. The firms feature common stock classes with differential voting rights and, in some cases, differential rights to dividends. The observed voting premiums are higher than those reported in previous studies of U.S. firms and are dependent on the form of dividend promise to the low-vote shareholder. The voting premium is higher in the presence of a control threat, when insiders do not hold controlling voting power, and during periods of poor firm performance.
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    The Role of Insider Influence in Mutual-to-Stock Conversions
    (Wiley-Blackwell Publishint, Ltd., 2007) Kenneth, Carow A.; Cox, Steven R.; Roden, Dianne M.
    Using a sample of 347 demutualizing thrifts from 1991 to 2004, we show that the level of inside participation is not a traditional signal of firm performance. We conclude that unanticipated inside participation reflects the incentives of insiders to reduce the size of the offer to influence the level of expected IPO returns. We find unanticipated inside participation is related to lower offer size and higher initial returns, but we do not find a relationship between inside participation and post-IPO performance.
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    Mutual Holding Companies: Evidence of Conflicts of Interest through Disparate Dividends
    (Elsevier, 2003-04) Kenneth, Carow A.; Cox, Steven R.; Roden, Dianne M.
    The mutual holding company (MHC) structure establishes a dual-class stock that creates a unique opportunity to transfer wealth from thrift depositor-owners to new minority shareholders through the disparate payment of dividends. We show that MHCs are priced higher than comparable non-MHCs and dividend policy is a significant component of this valuation. We also show that MHC thrifts pay significantly higher dividends than non-MHC thrifts and that an Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS) ruling reducing the potential for disparate dividends between the two classes of shareholders resulted in lower dividends. These results have policy implications of special significance given that the OTS reversed its position in 2000 and because of the current controversy over the use of the MHC structure in the financial service industry.
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    Demutualization: Determinants and consequences of the mutual holding company choice
    (Elsevier, 2009-01-21) Kenneth, Carow A.; Cox, Steven R.; Roden, Dianne M.
    We investigate the determinants and consequences of the mutual holding company (MHC) structure that allows mutual thrifts to issue stock to outside shareholders while maintaining the mutual form. Capital constrained firms with greater profit opportunities are more likely to choose a full demutualization; demonstrating that the MHC choice can be used to control for over- and under-investment costs. During periods of greater regulatory constraints, MHC firms have lower offer-day returns than full demutualizations. MHC firms are also less likely to be acquired as the MHC structure provides protection from the market for corporate control. Demonstrating a clear preference by minority shareholders for the elimination of the MHC structure, the announcement of a second-stage conversion generates a 12 percent return.