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    Determining Vertical Soil-Water Flux in Glaciated Terrains Using a Convective Heat Flux Model and Measured Transient Soil Thermal Properties
    (2017-12) Naylor, Shawn; Getz, Dan M.; Autio, Robert J.; Letsinger, Sally L.; Ellett, Kevin M.; Olyphant, Gret A.
    Several workers have applied water flux models based on convective heat-transfer principles and measured temperature profiles to quantify vertical water movement through unsaturated soils. However, flux estimates can vary significantly due to uncertainty in soil thermal properties such as thermal diffusivity, thermal conductivity, and soil volumetric heat capacity and their relationship to changing degrees of saturation. In this study, soil temperature profile data is combined with in situ measurements of soil thermal properties to estimate both upward and downward water fluxes through soils developed in glacial parent materials. A regression analysis of 1.2-m discrete depth in situ volumetric heat capacity and degree-of-saturation data indicates that there is a good correlation for sites underlain by coarse-grained diamicton, outwash, and alluvium (R = 0.66 – 0.87), whereas sites underlain by fine-grained glacial diamicton show little to no correlation and are therefore deemed unfit for the modelling approach. The results of the convective heat model for the outwash and alluvium sites are compared to water fluxes previously simulated using the one-dimensional Richard’s Equation. Preliminary results at a midwestern U.S. glacial outwash site indicate that daily downward flux results compare well with the previously published estimates after eliminating extreme values caused by temperature signal noise. At the coarse-grained diamicton and alluvium sites having lower hydraulic conductivities, the fluxes generally are temporally correlated, but the thermal model tends to overestimate flux by an order of magnitude. This ongoing work aims to refine the convective flux model while optimizing vadose-zone monitoring networks such that real-time percolation estimates are possible.
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    Assessment of Two Field-Scale Sulfate-Reducing Bioreactors Using Sulfur Isotopes
    (2010-06) Reeder, M.D.; Branam, T.D.; Olyphant, G.A.
    Sulfate-reducing bioreactors (SRBRs) have shown promise as a cost-effective option in the passive remediation of acid mine drainage (AMD). While these systems do provide the necessary conditions for increased bacterial activity, little is known about the internal dynamics and the functional lifespan of the systems in field settings. To help address these issues, two field-scale bioreactors are being monitored using an array of sampling ports distributed at varying depths throughout the treatment cells. These internal monitoring ports are located in such a way as to observe 3-D trends in activity occurring within the system. Water samples collected from the ports, as well as samples from the AMD inflow and outflow, have been analyzed for δ34S of sulfate as well as standard chemical parameters. Preliminary results indicate that in both systems, bacterial sulfate reduction is occurring yet the degree of reduction is not uniform throughout the cells. Within each system, areas where only a limited amount of bacterial sulfate reduction has occurred are characterized by high concentrations of sulfate coupled with δ34S values only slightly different than the influent AMD. In contrast, low sulfate concentrations together with large δ34S fractionations are found in areas where extensive bacterial sulfate reduction has taken place. The observed range in fractionation values likely reflects the development of preferential flow paths and points of stagnation within the systems. This implies that not all of the reactive substrate put into a cell will contribute to AMD treatment. The results of this study provide information not typically attainable in smaller laboratory-scale studies and point to the need for further engineering of SRBRs to optimize field-scale applications.
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    Mapping the Variability of Groundwater Quality in an Abandoned Tailings Deposit using Electromagnetic Geophysical Techniques
    (2010-06) Gore, D. Alex; Olyphant, G.A.
    A geophysical study was conducted at an abandoned coal mine site in southwestern Indiana in an effort to characterize the spatial variability of groundwater quality and to identify areas that contain high concentrations of total dissolved solids (TDS) and other indicators of acid mine drainage. The study utilized an EM34-3 terrain conductivity instrument to measure the apparent electrical conductivity of the underlying earth. Terrain conductivity is routinely attributed to the electrical conductivity of the underlying material, porosity, moisture content, and the dissolved electrolytes in pore fluid. To interpret the instrument response, terrain conductivity data were compared to field and laboratory chemistry of water samples collected from 27 monitoring wells. Terrain conductivity values ranged from 17-58 millisiemens/meter over the extent of the study area which included mine refuse, levee material, and natural soils. The contribution of pore water chemistry to the overall terrain conductivity was analyzed by measuring the specific conductance (SpC) of ground water samples which is a reflection of the concentration of TDS. The specific conductance ranged from 1380-5410µmhos/cm at 25° C; where the higher SpC values correspond to a higher concentration of TDS due to pyrite dissolution. A map of the terrain conductivity values indicated that high conductivity values were concentrated in specific areas which will need special attention in remediation plans. The mapping also indicated that the majority of the site contains groundwater with a low SpC and should be amenable to less intensive remediation. A map of the contamination plume based on terrain conductivity values was consistent with a groundwater flow model constructed for this site. A correlation was also observed between subsurface hydraulic conductivity and terrain conductivity measurements (R2=0.66) indicating an instrument response to soil permeability. This study indicates that shallow electrical geophysical exploration can be used to locate groundwater contamination plumes when subsurface hydraulic properties are taken into account.
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    Hydrochemical Effects of Using Coal Combustion Byproducts as Structural Fill and Capping Material at an Abandoned Mine Lands Reclamation Site, Southwestern Indiana
    (2010-06) Naylor, Shawn; Olyphant, G.A.; Branam, T.
    The use of coal combustion by-products (CCBs) in mine reclamation has been advocated by some because of their low permeability and potential to generate alkalinity. However, others have argued that these benefits are outweighed by the potential for leaching of trace elements that can enter ground and surface waters. In 1996, an abandoned mine land (AML) site in southwestern Indiana was reclaimed using ponded ash as structural fill in highwall cuts, and fixated scrubber sludge (FSS) as capping material over pyritic refuse. Pre-reclamation and post-reclamation monitoring of surface water discharge from the site, groundwater elevations and chemistry, as well as soil moisture fluctuations in the unsaturated zone have provided a basis for evaluating the effects of CCBs on the hydrochemistry of the site and potential for off-site impacts. Limited recharge through the FSS is supported by barometric efficiency changes in the refuse aquifer, the presence of perched water measured in monitoring wells installed on the cap, and minimal fluctuations in soil moisture within and immediately below the cap. Reductions in oxygenated rainwater reaching the refuse are indicated by groundwater chemistry data, collected from the refuse aquifer between 1995 and 2007, which show an increase in pH along with decreasing trends in total acidity, specific conductivity (SpC), and arsenic. Concentrations of boron, a trace element commonly associated with CCBs, have declined to near pre-reclamation levels at most sites (~1 mg/L) after an increase immediately following reclamation. Although arsenic concentrations at 14 µg/L (EPA maximum contaminant level, or MCL, is 10 µg/L) along with boron (14 mg/L) remain slightly elevated in groundwater associated with ash-filled lakes, improvements in surface water quality leaving the site include significant reductions in total mineral acidity and total iron concentrations, while trace metal concentrations remain below EPA MCLs.
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    Controls on pH and Pyrite Oxidation Pathways across the Phreatic Surface of a Coal Waste Deposit in Southwest Indiana
    (2010-06) Hardisty, D.S.; Olyphant, G.A.; Pratt, L.M.
    During acid mine drainage (AMD) generation, the factors controlling pH and pyrite oxidation can differ between the saturated and unsaturated zones. These differences, however, may not always be considered during field-scale remediation efforts. At an unreclaimed coal waste deposit in southwest Indiana, preliminary studies have identified a horizontal pH gradient that increases from 2.8 to 6.5 along a 90 meter shallow groundwater flow path. This site provides a unique opportunity to determine pyrite oxidation pathways under varying conditions within both the saturated and unsaturated zones of coal mine refuse being subjected to weathering processes. Vertical profiles of pore-water were obtained using Diffusion-Controlled Dialysis Membrane Samplers installed across the phreatic surface. Samples were collected at 2 cm intervals from the ground surface to a depth of 40 cm with the bottom 10 cm being fully saturated. Samples collected during the summer reveal a linear trend with respect to pH and depth with pH values of approximately 2.5 near the surface to 3.4 at the base of the profile. Concentrations of sulfate (SO42-) and iron (Fe-total) during the summer are highest near the surface and in the case of Fe, decrease by an order of magnitude at the bottom of the profile. Samples collected during the autumn show that within the saturated zone, ferrous iron (Fe2+) concentrations are elevated relative to ferric iron (Fe3+), but Fe3+ increases with decreasing pH. This indicates that atmospheric oxygen is the limiting factor in pyrite oxidation both through direct oxidation of pyrite and through the oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+ that can then oxidize pyrite in both saturated and unsaturated conditions at lower pH values. These results imply that an increase in the thickness of the saturated zone can act as a control on acidity generation by preventing positive feedback cycling of Fe3+ to oxidize pyrite.
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    Groundwater Flow Modeling of an Abandoned Mine Lands Site Scheduled for Reclamation
    (2010-06) Waddle, Robert C.; Olyphant, Greg A
    Groundwater flow models represent one tool that can be used in evaluating the hydrologic conditions of abandoned mine land (AML) sites, and they can be used to preview the probable hydrologic outcomes of reclamation designs. A three-dimensional, variably saturated groundwater flow model was used to characterize the hydrology of a 47 ha AML site in southwestern Indiana. Of particular concern was the flow field extending through a tailings deposit to a large seep contributing acid mine drainage to the local stream. The model was then used to evaluate a potential reclamation plan that would redirect the acidic flow into an onsite lowland area for passive treatment. A transient model was calibrated by adjusting the model parameters until a minimum residual was achieved between simulated and observed water table elevations in 6 observation wells over a time period of 50 days. The best-fit model had a root mean squared error (RMSE) of 0.195 m. Modeling results show that the seep is fed from a ground watershed of approximately 7.7 ha which spans across the tailings into the coarse-grained refuse bordering the deposit. Further results show that minor alterations of surface topography within the tailings deposit could potentially redirect and contain the acidic groundwater on site for passive treatment prior to discharging into the local drainage network. This study demonstrates the utility of using groundwater flow models to preview hydrologic conditions at AML sites and to anticipate the results of reclamation alternatives.
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    Challenges of Coal-Mine Reclamation in Indiana
    (2010-03-11) Harper, Denver; Branam, Tracy
    Since the nineteenth century, more than 2.2 billion metric tons (2.4 billion short tons) of coal have been extracted from underground and surface mines of Indiana, directly affecting approximately 2,000 square kilometers (770 square miles) of southwestern Indiana. In addition, coal-preparation facilities have produced deposits of pyritic refuse materials that extend across more than 2,400 hectares (6,000 acres). Some of the environmental effects of these very large-scale activities—particularly those conducted before passage of the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977—include land subsidence, erosion, stream siltation, acidic mine drainage, and groundwater contamination. A great variety of field-scale engineering, chemical, biological, and ecological techniques have been developed and implemented over a period of decades to address these problems, and research is ongoing. The potential also exists for development of geothermal resources related to groundwater in flooded underground mines, representing a high-yield aquifer that contains as much as 640 billion liters (170 billion gallons) of water.
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    Development of the Indiana Historical Aerial Photo Index
    (2008-02-19) Harper, Denver; Dintaman, Chris; Zlotin, Alex
    The Indiana Geological Survey (IGS) has created an interactive map ( to facilitate the identification and retrieval of historical aerial photographs (HAPs). Large-format photomosaic index maps were scanned, georeferenced, and mosaicked to produce 951 county-based images dating from the 1930s to the 1980s. A shapefile was then created showing the locations of 113,016 individual HAPs. The interactive map allows users to easily locate a site of interest and determine unique identification numbers for individual HAPs. Copies of HAPs can then be ordered from various archival collections, including the IGS archive, which contains 39,992 photos. Video tutorials have been created to assist users.
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    Reconnaissance of Coal-Slurry Deposits in Indiana
    (2008-12-09) Harper, Denver; Dintaman, Chris; Mastalerz, Maria; Letsinger, Sally
    Coal-slurry deposits (CSDs) are deposits of fine-grained refuse from coal-preparation plants. CSDs were mapped and their volumes were estimated using historical aerial photographs, geological records, and geographic information systems (GIS). The total area of mapped deposits was 2,765 acres, and the estimated total volume was 94 to 135 million cubic yards. Using a variety of assumptions, this may represent between 22 and 69 million tons of recoverable coal. Chemical analyses for 473 samples in the archives of the Indiana Geological Survey were also collected, mapped, and statistically analyzed. A complete report is available at .
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    Characterization of Indiana’s Coal-Mine Aquifer
    (2009-12-08) Harper, Denver; Branam, Tracy; Shaffer, Nelson R.
    Almost 200,000 acres of Indiana are underlain by abandoned underground coal mines. Many of the voids are filled with water, representing a high-yield aquifer that may contain 170 billion gallons or more. Since 1984, the Indiana Geological Survey has gathered data on storativities, long-term potentiometric water levels, and the hydrochemistry of six abandoned underground mines scattered across southwestern Indiana. These data indicate that the mines exhibit a wide variety of hydrologic and chemical characteristics. Concentrations of sulfate range from 3 to 20,000 mg/l, while concentrations of acidity and alkalinity range from 0 to 8,800 mg/l and 0 to 2,500 mg/l, respectively, and pH values range from 3.5 to 9.2. Values of storativity range from 0.0003 to 0.003, and barometric efficiencies range from 0.27 to 0.83. Long-term potentiometric levels show no evidence of seasonality or other long-term periodicities, and records indicate that several mines are still being hydrologically influenced by human activities long after their abandonment. Future development of the coal-mine aquifer for a variety of beneficial purposes, such as new groundwater supplies or sources of geothermal energy, will require consideration of potentially adverse secondary results, including the possibility of increased generation of acid mine drainage caused by dewatering of voids and increased risk of subsidence.
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    A GIS-Based Approach to Modeling Three-Dimensional Geology of Near-Surface Glacial Morphosequences: Huntertown Formation, Northeastern Indiana
    (2009-10-18) Letsinger, Sally L.; Naylor, Shawn; Olyphant, Greg A.
    The Huntertown Formation (Quaternary) in Allen County, Indiana, is located in a continental interlobate landscape position characterized by complex glacial stratigraphy consisting of coarse-grained proglacial sediments and loamy till interbedded with glaciofluvial and glaciolacustrine facies. The goal in this study area is to generate a three-dimensional depiction of the units represented on a traditional geologic map with emphasis on conceptual model(s) of unit relationships, position of bounding surfaces, and morphological characteristics of bounding surfaces. Because we are working in near-surface sediments (i.e., depths less than 200 feet), we are able to constrain the units using multiple data sources, such as borehole lithologic information from water well records and rotosonic cores, natural gamma-ray log data, shallow geophysical surveys, and interpreted cross sections. These data sources also provide information about units that underlie those shown on the geologic map and form the base units of the model. The model of the Huntertown Formation is being built by reconstructing each unit by building from georeferenced GIS layers representing the topography of each major bounding surface, in this case, the surface topography and the top of the overconsolidated glacial till of the Trafalgar Formation. The two-dimensional geologic map guides the horizontal shape of each unit, whereas the morphology on the bottom surface of the model guides the initial vertical placement of the units, and the thickness and position of each unit is determined by the many data sources in our database. Subsurface unit shape and geometry are governed by the conceptual model or interpreted unit relationships (e.g., onlapping, offlapping, interbedded, and so on) in areas with sparse data. A team approach that utilizes geological expertise is useful to provide interpretations where there are gaps in other data sources. The model is being calibrated by supplemental descriptions of characteristics regarding distribution, thickness, position, and geometry of units; well-log and gamma-log interpretations, and georeferenced interpreted cross-sections. Validation of the model will be conducted by statistically analyzing the position and thickness of borehole lithologic units that intersect the reconstructed geologic units in the model.
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    Proceedings of the Geoscience Data Preservation Techniques Workshop
    (2009-07-14) Steinmetz, John C.; Pierce, Frances W.; Hill, Richard T.
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    Characterization of diagenesis and porosity in the Mount Simon Sandstone in the Illinois Basin: Implications for a regional CO2 sequestration reservoir
    (2009-06) Ochoa, R.; Bowen, B. B.; Rupp, J. A.
    The Cambrian Mount Simon Sandstone has been targeted as an important geologic reservoir for carbon dioxide sequestration in the Illinois Basin and throughout the Midwest region. Given its presumed reservoir quality, proximity to underlying Precambrian crystalline basement, and the suitability of the overlying Eau Claire Formation as a confining unit, the Mount Simon may serve as a high capacity, spatially extensive reservoir that is ideal for long term sequestration of injected CO2. However, details of the controls on spatial changes in petrophysical characteristics of this reservoir including the nature of the porosity and authigenic mineralogy are not well understood. These factors have important implications on the effectiveness of the storate capacity, injectivity, and security of the Mount Simon as a sequestration reservoir. Previous studies have suggested an exponential decrease in porosity from over 40% near the surface to less than 1% at the maximum depths of 15,000 ft. However, at mid-level depths, where carbon dioxide injection is most plausible, porosity varies over nearly that entire range, suggesting more complex controls beyond simple compaction on porosity. The loss and formation of porosity in the Mount Simon is a result of a complex history of both physical and chemical digenesis that varies with depositional facies and subsequent groundwater chemistries. Mount Simon core samples representative of varying formation thicknesses and depths in the Illinois Basin were examined petrographically and mineralogically to characterize authigenic minerals and diagenetic textures, with special emplasis on quantifying the amount and character of porosity. Image analysis software of digital micrographs was used to quantify the porosity percentage and identify classes of pores. Characterization of porosity and diagenetic facies will better constrain the factors influencing heterogeneity within this complex and significant reservoir.
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    Facies analysis and Reservoir Characterization of the Cambrian Mount Simon Formation in the Illinois Basin: Implications for CO Sequestration and Storage
    (2009-06) Fischietto, N. E.; Bowen, B. B.; Rupp, J. A.
    Deep saline reservoirs have become a target of increased study with the development of carbon sequestration technologies. In the Illinois Basin, The Upper Cambrian Mt. Simon Formation has been proposed as a potential reservoir for CO2 sequestration. Depth and limited economic interest in the Mt. Simon have left it minimally explored with previous detailed depositional facies analysis only performed at localities outside of the Illinois Basin, where the Mt. Simon is much thinner and closer to the surface. From the analysis of recently acquired and preexisting relatively complete cores and composite cores of the Mt. Simon Formation in addition to basin wide correlation with geophysical well logs, we present a revised model for the deposition of the Mt. Simon Formation in the Illinois Basin region and the resulting implications for a CO2 reservoir. The Mt. Simon Formation is a sub-quartz to quartz arenite that unconformably overlies the crystalline basement of the interior North American craton. Thickness of the Mt. Simon ranges from a few hundred to over 2000 feet thick and structually from 2000 to over 14000 feet below sea level. The upper contact of the Mt. Simon Formation is gradational with the overlying Eau Clair Formation while the lower contact unconformably bounds the crystalline basement. Core analysis has led to the identification of several distinct facies within the Mt. Simon. The lowermost facies is dominated by medium grain to granular eolian sands with distinct interdunal red mudstone. Gradationally above the lowermost facies, tidal indicators become increasingly present with mud drapes and flaser bedding located in isolated units. This transgressive sequence from nonmarine to marine depositional environments correlates with sea level curves for the Upper Cambrian. By increasing our understanding of the Mt. Simon, we can better understand its CO2 reservoir potential.
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    Reservoir Characteristics and Gas Production Potential of Woodford Shale in the Southern Midcontinent
    (2007-05-23) Comer, John B.
    Woodford Shale is a prolific hydrocarbon source rock throughout the Southern Midcontinent of the United States, and in south-central Oklahoma it produces both oil and natural gas. The characteristic and dominant Woodford lithology is black shale, but chert, siltstone, sandstone, dolostone, and light-colored shale are common locally. In general, proximal lithofacies and basin depocenters contain more silt and sand and distal lithofacies more chert. The highest concentrations of organic carbon are found in intermediate settings remote from clastic source areas and bypassed by bottom flows. High concentrations of marine organic matter coexist with abundant biogenic silica, indicating that high biological productivity in surface waters was supported mainly by dynamic upwelling. The primary sites of hydrocarbon generation coincide mostly with the principal depocenters of the Delaware and Anadarko Basins; however, mature source beds are found in adjacent provinces. Mass balance calculations indicate that on the order of 830 x 1012 ft3 of natural gas and 250 x 109 bbl of oil reside in Woodford Shale in Oklahoma, northwestern Arkansas, West Texas, and southeastern New Mexico. Producing this resource is feasible where the subcrop contains competent lithofacies that are highly fractured (e.g., chert, sandstone, siltstone, dolostone). Areas having the greatest potential and most favorable lithologies include (1) northern flank of the Anadarko Basin and the Nemaha Uplift (chert, sandstone, dolostone), (2) Marietta-Ardmore Basin (chert), (3) southern flank of the Anadarko Basin along the Wichita Mountain Uplift (chert), (4) Arkoma Basin and frontal zone of the Ouachita Tectonic Belt in Oklahoma (chert), (5) the Central Basin Platform and Pecos Arch in West Texas and New Mexico (chert and siltstone), and (6) drillable flanks of the Delaware and Val Verde Basins in West Texas and New Mexico (siltstone and dolostone). In much of the Southern Midcontinent Woodford Shale is currently in the oil or gas generation window. Thus, fracture porosity would be continuously fed by hydrocarbons generated in the enclosing source rocks. Petroleum systems such as this typically produce at low to moderate flow rates for many decades.
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    Modeling the Bedrock Surface in Indiana with Contouring Software
    (Indiana Geological Survey, 2006-10-22) Hasenmueller, Walter A.
    Most contouring algorithms can quickly generate numerous surfaces that honor bedrock surface (BRS) data, but automated BRS models are often poor geologic interpretations because a single combination of contouring algorithm and gridding parameters may not work best throughout a map area. Modeling that works well where deeply incised paleovalleys are present beneath thick glacial cover break down where thin sheets of unconsolidated sediment are draped over the BRS, and vice versa. One way to overcome this problem is to subdivide a map area and apply different BRS modeling techniques (independent, dependent, or coincident) based on inferred relationships between the BRS and a digital elevation model (DEM) of the topographic surface. Independent BRS models are based on the assumption that the BRS and DEM are unrelated. These models focus on buried BRS features such as paleovalleys. Independent BRS models are made by first developing a computer-generated BRS model that honors the data and roughly outlines BRS features. Breaklines and phantom data points are added to mold the computer-generated surface into a geologic interpretation that fits the data and shows an interpretation of the shape, continuity, and connectivity of buried paleovalleys. Dependent BRS models are based on the assumption that the BRS is sub-parallel to the topographic surface. These models focus on the thickness of unconsolidated deposits that is draped over the BRS. Dependent BRS models are generated by subtracting a model of unconsolidated deposit thickness from a DEM trend surface that filters out minor DEM relief not related to the shape of the BRS. These models work best where changes in the thickness of unconsolidated deposits is gradual. The coincident BRS model is based on the assumption that the BRS and DEM are essentially equivalent. These models use DEM data as the BRS model and are employed where bedrock outcrops or where soil maps show thin soils derived from underlying bedrock. Combining areas where these models are applied yields a digital BRS that fits the data and blends BRS interpretations appropriate for various Quaternary terrains. The digital BRS is used to automate the computation of unconsolidated deposit thickness and to compute the distribution of bedrock units on a geologic map.
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    Effects of passive reclamation on water quality in the northeastern drainage of Augusta Lake, Pike County, Indiana
    (2006-11-20) Comer, J. B.; Smith, R. T.; Ennis, M. V.; Branam, T. D.; Welp, L. R.; Simon, T. P.
    Augusta Lake is a 33-acre man-made lake located on Mill Creek, a tributary of the Patoka River in the coal mining region of south-central Pike County, Indiana. The lake is strongly acidic (pH = 3.1-4.4) and mostly barren, receiving acidic inflows from a 1.5-square-mile drainage area, 60 percent of which consists of abandoned coal mines. The dominant source of acidity, sulfate, and metals is in the northeastern drainage area where acidic water seeps from mine spoil. An array of wetlands, anoxic limestone drains, and successive alkaline-producing systems (SAPS) was emplaced to treat this area. Beginning in 1997, water quality was monitored for 2 years at eight sites to evaluate the effectiveness of this passive reclamation strategy. The pH of water at all sites, other than the discharge from the SAPS and where surface water and SAPS outflow mix, remained acidic throughout the monitoring period. Acidity and pH varied seasonally at four sites, and pH was lowest and acidity highest during the months from late spring to early fall. Although Augusta Lake remained strongly acidic, outflows contained significantly reduced metals concentrations, indicating that natural processes operating in the lake remove metals from solution. Water flowing northward from the lake along Mill Creek rapidly approaches pH neutrality through natural reactions with the bedrock and sediments, and downstream reaches support aquatic life. Although Augusta Lake may not be suitable for recreational uses, it does serve the important function of cleaning dissolved metals from mine effluent.
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    Planning for a New Data Preservation System for the Nation
    (2006-11-07) Steinmetz, John C.; Gundersen, Linda C.; Dickinson, Tamara L.
    The National Geological and Geophysical Data Preservation Program Act of 2005 was signed into law as part of the Energy Policy Act of 2005. The new law arrived at a propitious time. Many federal and state geological repositories are at capacity. A poll of state geological surveys revealed that two-thirds of them have less than 10% space remaining. Many state repositories are gaining additional, but temporary and substandard space, using ocean-going containers or offsite warehouses, where access is limited and conditions are poor. Nearly half the repositories refuse to accept samples, while others are selective with the samples that they do accept. The Act authorizes a federally-supported, distributed repository system to contain “geologic, geophysical, and engineering data, maps, well logs, and samples” accessed through a national, web-based catalog. Administration of the system will be through the U.S. Geological Survey, advised by a Federal Advisory Committee (FAC), and in association with the state geological surveys. The Act authorizes $30 million for each of five years. In January 2006, the FAC established a data preservation working group to draft an implementation plan that was submitted to Congress in August of 2006. Included in the plan is creation of a National Digital Catalog, which will serve as a one-stop portal for geoscience materials and related data (cores, sample collections, geophysical logs, etc.) and a competitive, federal-assistance program for states and federal agencies to preserve their collections. Included will be support for data rescues (materials in imminent danger of loss), infrastructure (buildings, shelving, equipment), staffing, and for digital scanning, conversion, and archiving. The program includes support for outreach, public awareness and workshops. Finally, accountability measures will ensure performance is demonstrated before a state or federal agency can compete for additional funds. Implementation of the plan awaits federal appropriations.
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    Midwest Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnership, Preliminary Assessment of Potential CO2 Storage Reservoirs and Confinement, Cincinnati Arch Site
    (2006-11-06) Rupp, John; Solano-Acosta, Wilfrido; Greb, Stephen; Wickstrom, Lawrence; Gupta, Neeraj
    The Indiana, Kentucky, and Ohio Geological Surveys, working under the auspices of the Midwest Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnership (MRCSP), completed a preliminary report on the feasibility of geological sequestration as a carbon management strategy for a large coal-fired power-generation facility. This proposed Cincinnati Arch field demonstration project is planned as part of MRCSP’s Phase II sequestration evaluation within the Regional Partnership. Broad structural arches in which deep Paleozoic strata rise to near the surface are a major part of the geology of the MRCSP region. Also, structural arches underlie many of the CO2 sources in the region. Understanding the feasibility for sequestration in these situations as compared to deeper, basinal configurations is important for regional CO2 sequestration assessment. The objective of this feasibility study is to provide a preliminary assessment of known geologic characteristics of the region surrounding the site. An area within a radius of approximately 50 miles of the site was included in the study. The primary purpose of the assessment was to determine the presence, configuration, and characteristics of potential reservoirs and confining strata. If the Cincinnati Arch site is chosen as a pilot injection site by the MRCSP, a detailed geological and geophysical evaluation program, including the acquisition of new site-specific information will follow this preliminary assessment. This information will be used as the basis for other tasks to be completed by the MRCSP including: developing a field work plan; assessing site-specific data acquisition needs (seismic profiles, seismic monitoring, acquisition of available commercial data, test borings, etc.); design of the injection well, monitoring plan, and reservoir simulations; and the acquisition of an underground injection permit.