1993 Annual Scientific and Technical Report - IU Cyclotron
URI الدائم لهذه الحاويةhttps://hdl.handle.net/2022/492
IU Cyclotron Facility Annual Reports contain articles about work in progress. They describe preliminary results from scientific experiments and summaries of developments for the improvement of laboratory-wide infrastructure and facilities. Paper copies are available from IUCF.
يظهر الآن 1 - 20 من 45
المادة Position Sensitive Wire Chamber Development for GEM Detector(Indiana University Cyclotron Facility, 1993) Bower, C.R.; Gebhard, M.; Heinz, R.M.; Musser, J.; Pitts, J.J.المادة Development of the Techology for Intermediate Energy Electron Cooling(Indiana University Cyclotron Facility, 1993) Anderson, D.; Ball, M.; Caussyn, D.; Ellison, T.; Hamilton, B.; Nagaitsev, S.; Schwandt, P.; Adney, J.; Ferry, J.; sundquist, M.; Reistad, D.المادة Installation, Commissioning, and Applications of the K600 Small Angle Septum Magnet(Indiana University Cyclotron Facility, 1993) Berg, G.P.A.; Wells, S.P.; Bacher, A.D.; Bowyer, S.M.; Chang, S.; Clark, M.; Crail, J.; Foster, C.C.; Franklin, W.; Hall, T.; Liu, J.; Stephenson, E.J.; Wissink, S.W.المادة CE-30 - Toward a Trapped Particle Target(Indiana University Cyclotron Facility, 1993) Klasen, M.; Lash, J.; Pelath, M.; Pollock, R.; Sarrazine, A.; Sloan, T.المادة Installation of the Polarized Hydrogen Target and Detector System in the Cooler A-Region(Indiana University Cyclotron Facility, 1993) DeZarn, W.A.; Doskow, J.; Meyer, H.O.; Pollock, R.E.; von Przewoski, B.; Rinckel, T.; Sperisen, F.; Ross, M.A.; Roberts, A.D.; Wise, T.; Haeberli, W.; Pancella, P.V.المادة Polarization Measurements of a Storage Cell Target(Indiana University Cyclotron Facility, 1993) Ross, M.A.; Roberts, A.D.; Wise, T.; Haeberli, W.; DeZarn, W.A.; Doskow, J.; Meyer, H.O.; Pollock, R.E.; von Przewoski, B.; Rinckel, T.; Sperisen, F.; Pancella, P.V.المادة High-Luminosity Hydrogen Jet Target Development(Indiana University Cyclotron Facility, 1993) Sperisen, F.; Doskow, J.المادة Radiation Damage Effects on High-Purity Germanium Detectors(Indiana University Cyclotron Facility, 1993) Hull, E.; Xing, J.; Komisarcik, K.; Vanderwerp, J.; Friesel, D.; Pehl, R.H.; Madden, N.; Luke, P.; Cork, C.; Malone, D.المادة First Tests of the Indiana Silicon Sphere (ISiS)(Indiana University Cyclotron Facility, 1993) Kwiatkowski, K.; Bracken, D.S.; Brzychczyk, J.; Cook, D.; Dorsett, J.; Hamilton, T.; Komisarcik, K.; Madden, N.; McDonald, K.; Morley, K.B.; Ottarson, J.; Powell, C.; Renshaw, E.; Yoder, N.R.; Viola, V.E.المادة Calibration of a Proton Polarimeter(Indiana University Cyclotron Facility, 1993) Baghaei, H.; Barkhuff, D.H.; Lourie, R.W.; Milbrath, B.D.; Van Verst, S.P.; Chen, J.P.; Dale, D.; Gilad, S.; Joo, K.; Korsch, W.; Warren, G.; Armstrong, C.; Finn, J.M.; McIntyre, J.; Perdrisat, C.F.; Cameron, J.M.; Rinckel, T.; Stephenson, E.J.; Epstein, M.B.; Liu, D.J.; Mukhopadhyay, S.; Mitchell, J.H.; Ulmer, P.E.; Madey, R.; Weinstein, L.B.; Markowitz, P.المادة Facility for Study of Proton-Induced Effects in Microelectronics Devices(Indiana University Cyclotron Facility, 1993) Foster, C.C.; Murray, K.M.; Skees, A.H.المادة Measurement of Fluorescence Phenomena from Yttrium and Gadolinium Oxysulfide Phosphors using a 45-MeV Proton Beam(Indiana University Cyclotron Facility, 1993) Hollerman, W.A.; Fisher, J.H.; Shelby, G.A.; Holland, L.R.; Jenkins, G.M.; Nisen, D.B.; Williams, E.K.; Foster, C.C.المادة Magnetic Field Trapping High-T_c Superconductors(Indiana University Cyclotron Facility, 1993) Chen, I.G.; Liu, J.; Narayanan, S.; Ren, Y.; Weinstein, R.; Foster, C.C.; Obot, V.المادة Atomic Charge Exchange Between Fast Singly- and Doubly-Ionized Helium Ions in Targets from Carbon to Bismuth at β = 0.36(Indiana University Cyclotron Facility, 1993) Akimune, H.; Berg, G.P.A.; Chang, S.; Liu, J.; Stephenson, E.J.; Davis, B.; Fujiwara, M.; Harakeh, M.N.; Jänecke, J.; Pham, K.; Roberts, D.A.المادة Measurements of Dielectronic Recombination in He+ Ions(Indiana University Cyclotron Facility, 1993) Haar, R.R.; Tanis, J.A.; Plano, V.L.; Zaharakis, K.E.; Graham, W.G.; Mowat, J.R.; Ellison, T.E.; Jacobs, W.W.; Rinckel, T.المادة A Comparison of Rando Phantom Lung Dose From Proton and Electron Therapy of the Chest Wall(Indiana University Cyclotron Facility, 1993) Block, C.; Papiez, E.; Sandison, G.A.المادة The Beam Transfer Function Experiments: CE-37(Indiana University Cyclotron Facility, 1993) Ball, M.; Budnick, J.; Caussyn, D.D.; Collins, J.; Derenchuk, V.; East, G.; Ellison, M.; Friesel, D.; Hamilton, D.; Huang, H.; Jones, W.P.; Lee, S.Y.; Li, D.; Liu, J.Y.; Nagaitsev, S.; Pei, X.; Sloan, T.; Wang, Y.; Chao, A.; Chou, W.; Syphers, M.; Yan, Y.; Colestock, P.; Gerasimov, A.; Jackson, G.P.; Ng, K.Y.; Minty, M.G.; Reistad, D.; Lofnes, T.; Hedblom, K.المادة Nonlinear Beam Dynamics Experiments: CE-22(Indiana University Cyclotron Facility, 1993) Ball, M.; Brabson, B.; Budnick, J.; Caussyn, D.D.; Collins, J.; Derenchuk, V.; East, G.; Ellison, M.; Friesel, D.; Hamilton, B.; Huang, H.; Jones, W.P.; Lee, S.Y.; Li, D.; Liu, J.Y.; Nagaitsev, S.; Sloan, T.; Wang, Y.; Chao, A.; Dutt, S.; Syphers, M.; Yan, Y.T.; Zhang, P.L.; Ng, K.Y.; Minty, M.G.; Pei, X.; Teng, L.المادة Siberian Snake Overcomes "Overlapping" Depolarizing Resonances(Indiana University Cyclotron Facility, 1993) Anferov, V.A.; Baiod, R.; Chu, C.M.; Chao, A.W.; Courant, E.D.; Derbenev, Y.S.; Duryea, J.W.; Koulsha, A.V.; Krisch, A.D.; Minty, M.G.; Phelps, R.A.; Nurushev, T.S.; Shoumkin, D.S.; Wong, V.K.; Caussyn, D.D.; Ellison, M.; Ellison, T.J.P.; Lee, S.Y.; Rinckel, T.; Schwandt, P.; Sperisen, F.; Stephenson, E.J.; von Przewoski, B.; Ohmori, C.; Sato, C.H.; Pancella, P.V.; Ratner, L.G.; Wienands, U.المادة MEGA(Indiana University Cyclotron Facility, 1993) Knott, J.E.; Stantz, K.M.; Szymanski, J.J.
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