Faculty Publications and Research - Kelley
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Item Structuring the Field of Social Entrepreneurship: A Transatlantic Comparative Approach(Edward Elgar Publishing, 2011) Bacq, Sophie; Janssen, FrankDuring recent years, social entrepreneurship has been receiving greater recognition from the public sector, as well as from scholars (Stryjan, 2006; Weerawardena and Sullivan Mort, 2006). Encouraging social initiatives has been on our governments' agenda for a while. European policy makers claim the importance of social enterprises as 'they not only are significant economic actors, but also play a key role in involving citizens more fully in Society and in the creation and reproduction of social capital, by organizing, for example, opportunities for volunteering' (European Commission, 2003). Consequently, several European states have created specific legal forms for this kind of initiatives. On the other hand, famous business schools all around the world have created centres for research and education programmes in social entrepreneurship. So far, academic research in social entrepreneurship 'has largely been focused on defining what it is and what it does, and does not, have in common with commercial entrepreneurship' (Nicholls, 2008: 7).Item Interdisciplinarity in Cross-Campus Entrepreneurship Education(Edward Elgar Publishing, 2009) Janssen, Frank; Eeckhout, Valérie; Gailly, Benoît; Bacq, SophieDuring the last 30 years, the scientific community has shown a growing interest for entrepreneurship, driven by the increasing dynamic role of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in job creation and innovation and boosted by the emergence of new business environments, new technologies and globalization (Fiet, 2001). Parallel to this, a growing number of entrepreneurship education programs (EEPs) have appeared, first in the United States where, today, more than 2,200 courses are offered at over 1,600 schools (Katz, 2003; Kuratko, 2005), and then, more recently, in Europe, where most programs have been created in the last decade (Klandt, 2004).Item A Behavioral Theory of Social Performance: Social Identity and Stakeholder Expectations(Academy of Management Review, 2018-04-25) Nason, Robert S.; Bacq, Sophie; Gras, DavidFirms use reference points to evaluate financial performance, frame gain or loss positions, and guide strategic behavior. However, there is little theoretical underpinning to explain how social performance is evaluated and integrated into strategic decision making. We fill this void with new theory built on the premise that inherently ambiguous social performance is evaluated and interpreted differently than largely clear financial performance. We propose that firms seek to negotiate a shared social performance reference point with stakeholders who identify with the organization and care about social performance. While incentivized to align with the firm, firm-identified stakeholders provide intense feedback when there are major discrepancies between their expectations and the firm’s actual social performance. Firms frame and respond to feedback differently depending on the feedback valence: negative feedback will be framed as a legitimacy threat, and firm responses are likely to be substantive; positive feedback will be framed as an efficiency threat, and firm responses are likely to be symbolic. However, social enterprises face a double standard in evaluations and calibrate responses to social performance feedback differently than do nonsocial enterprises. Our behavioral theory of social performance advances knowledge of organizational evaluations and responses to stakeholder feedback.Item Social Business Education: An Interview With Nobel Laureate Muhammad Yunus(2012-08-03) Kickul, Jill; Terjesen, Siri; Bacq, Sophie; Griffiths, MarkIn this interview, Nobel Laureate Muhammad Yunus outlines the role of social business education and its potential in teaching the next generation of social innovation leaders. Our questions and his responses focus on Yunus's experience, drawing on lessons learned from the Grameen Bank and his most recent educational endeavors, including the Yunus Centre and the Grameen Creative Lab. The interview begins with a discussion of the development and evolution of social business and its distinction from social entrepreneurship. Then, we move on to the role of faculty and community engagement and student qualities that should be sought and cultivated in social business education. Next, Yunus formulates recommendations for what business schools and educators can do to prepare students to recognize and implement new social innovations for their communities. We conclude by highlighting some of the challenges involved in incorporating Yunus's social business model into the capitalist economic paradigm that dominates in western business schools and by reflecting on implications for educators as well as the programmatic challenges in integrating social business concepts and initiatives into curriculum and pedagogy.Item L’Entrepreneuriat Social: Un Thème Pour la Recherche Passée, Présente et Future(Revue Internationale PME, 2013-09-17) Janssen, Frank; Bacq, Sophie; Brouard, FrançoisL’entrepreneuriat social constitue un thème de recherche en pleine croissance. L’objectif de l’article est de situer le thème de l’entrepreneuriat social et les articles du présent numéro spécial en examinant le passé et le futur de ce champ de recherche. Ainsi, une genèse du thème et des éléments de définition sont présentés. Le regard vers le passé se poursuit en soulignant les aspects méthodologiques et les principaux thèmes traités dans les recherches antérieures. Ensuite, le regard se tourne vers l’avenir en identifiant des voies de recherche futures. Enfin, les articles publiés dans ce numéro spécial sont brièvement décrits.Item La Théorie de l’ ‘Entreprise à Internationalisation Rapide et Précoce’ à l’Épreuve des Faits: Évaluation de l’Apport des Travaux Empiriques à ce Champ de Recherche(Revue Internationale PME, 2011-03-01) Bacq, Sophie; Coeurderoy, RégisÀ la croisée des domaines des affaires internationales et de l’entrepreneuriat, le texte fondateur d’Oviatt et McDougall (1994) a proposé une nouvelle théorie de « l’entreprise à internationalisation rapide et précoce » (EIRP). Ce texte est généralement considéré comme fondateur du champ de l’entrepreneuriat international. Cet intérêt a donné naissance à de nombreux travaux empiriques dont l’objectif est de définir et de tester la pertinence de ce nouveau champ de recherche. Sur la base de ces travaux, nous tentons ici d’évaluer dans quelle mesure la spécificité attribuée à l’EIRP est validée mais également corrigée par l’épreuve des faits. Par ailleurs, la « rupture annoncée » avec le modèle par étapes dit d’Uppsala ne nous semble pas encore avérée et requiert, selon nous, de nouvelles recherches empiriques.Item Email Decision Tree(2020) Cattani, DanaThis graphic guides email writers to send concise, purposeful messages to the most appropriate recipients only--and to avoid sending irritating or harmful messages that can undermine credibility.Item A Classroom of Her Own: How New Teachers Develop Instructional, Professional, and Cultural Competence(Corwin Press, 2002) Cattani, DanaItem A Funny Thing Happened When We Began to Write(English Journal, 1993-12) Morris, Cecil; Haight (Cattani), Dana K.Every time we think of district-sponsored staff development, we think of the Rolling Stones' lyric: "You can't always get what you want." We don't seem to ever get what we want or what we need. Although some of the staff development programs we've attended have been good, all too often inservice training makes us passive- and bored. Some outside expert comes in and develops us, while what we really want is the opportunity to develop ourselves.Item The Critical Role of Timing in Managing Intellectual Property(Elsevier, 2012-03-27) Lemper, Timothy A.In today’s environment, timing is a critical part of business strategy. Nowhere is this truer than in managing intellectual property in an increasing global marketplace. The creation and protection of intellectual property assets often depends on taking just the right legal action at just the right time, every time, over time. The consequences of failing to do so can be disastrous, but may only be felt at a later time or in other markets. The difficulty for business people lies in the fact that the time-sensitive aspects of intellectual property cannot be managed effectively by relying on intuition or resolving to see a lawyer when the need arises. This article provides a basic primer on the critical role of timing in identifying, creating, and protecting intellectual property assets. It discusses the most common types of intellectual property—patents, copyrights, trademarks, and trade secrets—and compares the role of timing in the creation and protection of each type of asset. Most importantly, it summarizes the key issues of timing in the creation and protection of intellectual property.Item Five Trademark Law Strategies for Managing Brands(Elsevier, 2011-10-29) Lemper, Timothy A.For businesspeople looking to improve their ability to manage brand names, the article offers a selection of five trademark law strategies for protecting and managing brand names more effectively. The assortment of legal strategies introduces readers to a variety of trademark issues that are often overlooked in the management and protection of brand names, even by sophisticated business people.Item An Essay and Resource Guide for Dyadic and Group Task Selection and Usage(1993-05-01) Wheeler, Bradley C.; Mennecke, Brian E.The role of task is a critical issue of experimental IS research on group communication and decision making. This manuscript attempts to assemble a collective resource for informing IS group researchers about some of the important issues related to tasks. It includes a brief essay describing six critical factors in task selection and design. Two appendices summarize some important task concepts from the group literature and present a library of existing research tasks.